millie beforeSince NSOP started on Monday, Bwog has received some pretty intriguing tips. From mascot makeovers to frosh dropping fifties (their $50 bracelets, that is), we’ve compiled some choice notes from the (very sloppy) field. 

During The Day:

  • The Millie the Bear costume has changed, and it’s kind of horrifying. On the bright side, the fan inside the bear’s head works now! Stay cool, Mill.
  • Carman 5 is looking like way less of a shithole than it did when we lived there.

  • The football team helped first-years with move-in! Nice PR move from Coach Bagnoli.
  • We learned through the grapevine (read: Snapchat) that some of the OLs pregamed Convocation! Luckily, none of them passed out after the ceremony while sweating in the sun and playing icebreakers with their first-years.
  • M2M has been downgraded to a C health rating, and a new Joe Coffee is opening up in Dodge Hall!


  • We heard one Carmanite was sexiled by his roommate while his parents were still there. What a great first impression, roomie!
  • There’s apparently an OL GroupMe for organizing parties, but it has become “insufferable” because only members of the crew team use it.
  • “I heard a first-year got CAVA’d last night at like 8pm at Amigo’s…when they were supposed to be at RC@C, aka alcohol safety training.”
  • “I drunk-texted my first-years telling them to come to Mel’s. Oops.”

Plus, a bonus tip for first-years…

  • Hey, first-years, if you’re concerned that the guys at International will know you’re underaged based on your wristband, you can just flip them inside out…