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Posts Tagged with "NSOP 2016"

Today is the final day of NSOP proper. Congratulations first-years on making it through your first week of Columbia! The coming weeks will be a lot more filled up with work and activities, but for what it’s worth, they’ll probably have a bit less drama. There are still some activities planned, but feel free to […]

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It’s Friday, the sixth day of NSOP, and you’re so tired you feel jet lagged…what did you do last night? When did you stumble back to bed? Why did you wake up at 9 am for that free yoga class? Even if you did none of these things, you’re probably confused, disoriented, nursing a headache, […]

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Since NSOP started on Monday, Bwog has received some pretty intriguing tips. From mascot makeovers to frosh dropping fifties (their $50 bracelets, that is), we’ve compiled some choice notes from the (very sloppy) field.  During The Day: The Millie the Bear costume has changed, and it’s kind of horrifying. On the bright side, the fan […]

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Welcome to your first full day of NSOP! While the heavy-lifting (literally) of moving in is over for many of you, the more local students still have to haul shit into their rooms. Either way, there is more awkward social interaction to come! (The socializing is worth it if it gives you access to free […]

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The Disorientation Guide is back for NSOP 2016. Made by student activists, the “zine’s” purpose is to familiarize new students with campus activism and educate them on the various causes and how they can get involved. You can check out the 2016 guide here. This new version pulls from the 2014 iteration, re-purposing content such […]

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The summer is coming to an end, and you can no longer pretend that the school year isn’t about to start. Here’s a playlist to stop procrastinating and start packing (unless you’re already at CU for COÖP–have fun putting up with puerile poop jokes and not showering for four days–or as an OL–don’t get CAVA’d!). […]

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If you’re reading this, there’s a pretty good chance you attended NSOP. And if you attended NSOP, you almost definitely hated NSOP. Hating NSOP is, as the class of 2020 will soon discover, an integral part of the Columbia experience, just like parties in Carman doubles and forgetting we have a football team. This year’s orientation, […]

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Listen, first-years—we know that you’re beyond excited to start your academic career at the Columbia University. However, one of your first big decisions you will have to make for school is what you will pack and bring to your new and depressing dorm room. We’ve put together our list of college essentials that aren’t listed […]

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NSOP is just two weeks from now! If you haven’t heard, this year’s theme is NSOP Out Loud. If the NSOP Committee’s promo video is any indication, first-years will be expected to take a bunch of Snapchat videos, hopefully making friends along the way. Undergraduate Student Life released the schedules for all undergraduate NSOP’s this […]

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