It is top secret!
As Election Day slowly approaches, it seems like the Trump campaign is crumbling. A dozen of sexual assault accusations made towards the presidential candidate, lackluster performance in the debates, and a scandalous video may not turn Trump supporters around, but may have them telling Trump to shut his mouth. (Buzzfeed)
South Korea’s Joint Chief of Staff stated in a report that that North Korea has failed to fire a mid-range missile on Sunday. The Musudan missile reportedly exploded shortly after liftoff. (The New York Times)
French President Francois Holland was quoted in the book A President Shouldn’t Say That stating, “France has a problem with Islam.” Maybe he shouldn’t have said that. (Al Jazeera)
While Trump remains at his A-list, hot mess status, the Democratic Party candidate also has a full plate of her own–Wikileaks released her Goldman Sachs’ speech transcript. (CNN)
photo via meme search
1 Comment
@Ashamed Alum Do you guys have copy editors? ‘Cause this little piece is rife with grammatical and spelling errors and no one shoulda hit post on it.