Info on University Rules
Yesterday evening Bwog received copies of two letters written by Columbia faculty members, in support of students disciplined for protesting the Columbia University College Republicans (CUCR) Tommy Robinson event on October 10.
The letters are the latest in a range of efforts by students to defend themselves from what they view as unfair disciplinary action for a just and rule-abiding protest. Shortly after the protest and subsequent notice of disciplinary action, students circulated an online petition, which has received 4,850 signatures so far. On Monday, students released a statement of defense.
CUCR held another heavily protested event on Monday.
Jared Sacks, one of the 19 students facing disciplinary action, says the first letter is signed by Sulzbacher Professor of Law Katherine Franke, and “explains in detail why [these faculty members] were outraged by the way [students] were treated during the disciplinary process and how the rules administrator broke Columbia’s own rules…The letter was sent to the Rules Commmitee.”
The second letter says much the same thing, and is signed by over 100 Columbia faculty members. It, too, was sent to the Rules Committee, as well as to President Bollinger.
Rules screenshot via Columbia University Life
@ALL SPEECH IS ALLOWED As long as it fits within our narrow worldview!
The faculty of CU
@Anonymous Holder bragged having the hutzpa to ask Dean Coleman for a letter to law school after having held him hostage. Yet Columbia denied returning slots to GOP appointees Martin Anderson, Emmanuel Savas, Diane Ravitch. They cost Lou Antonelli and Jeff Bell their degrees over their conservatism. Now is the time to cost Columbia its own continuance!
@Anonymous Google “professulas”
@Anonymous Obamaker Professulas should move to China and offer organs for donation
@Frank This is really interesting. Good on these Profs!