Need a break from the harsh rigors of the housing lottery? Try Chinese mysticism!
Using the power of the I Ching, the Bwog is empowered to give you a meaningless, random fortune based on your lottery number and the powers of our ancestors. Try it!
Need a break from the harsh rigors of the housing lottery? Try Chinese mysticism!
Using the power of the I Ching, the Bwog is empowered to give you a meaningless, random fortune based on your lottery number and the powers of our ancestors. Try it!
@nbf “a suffusion of yellow”
@ttan Bwog, you should clarify your categories. On one hand, you have China, the Communist state. On the other hand, you have CHiNA?
@mk well played, mr. tan. well played.
@shocc I cannot appreciate this since Chinese mysticism is not a part of CC. But I’m living in the LLC again, so I don’t have a lottery number, anyway.
@Great The underbrush is of such abundance that the small stars can be seen at noon. He
breaks his right arm. No blame.
His house is in a state of abundance. He screens off his family. He peers
through the gate and no longer percieves anyone. For three years he sees
nothing. Misfortune.