my advice: check out the bill clinton events and figure out if spidey 3 will be shooting at Columbia again this summer (the cast and crew is currently shooting all over downtown NYC and in the financial district)
I’m personally gonna try and see some of the filming myself.
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@i think the point is to start fight clubs
@things i love I love it when people show that they missed the entire point of the movie “Fight Club” by starting fight clubs.
@poopee poopee
@me thinks this is lame. please post genuine thoughts.
@yes because Bwog is, of course, all about being “genuine.”
@meh slow news so far…c’mon bwog!
my advice: check out the bill clinton events and figure out if spidey 3 will be shooting at Columbia again this summer (the cast and crew is currently shooting all over downtown NYC and in the financial district)
I’m personally gonna try and see some of the filming myself.
@Nice try I appreciate the sentiment, Bwog, but alas you are not CollegeHumor. And these are not hotlinks. Thank you for trying and please play again.
@huh? whacky? with an h?