First years know this, but you upperclassmen might as well come
along for the ride: Bed Bath and Beyond is offering a 10% discount for all Columbia students today (Monday) with I.D. from 9 AM to 10 PM. They’re even shepherding you to the store with a free shuttle! Looks like it’s time to get that paper shredder you’ve always wanted.
But a word to the wise: B3 is not also altogether benevolent. One former stock boy says that the megastore already marks up its wares by 50%, and mocks the offer of a paltry discount. “Damn that accursed store,” our tipster seeths. “There was something about serving customers who were willing to pay $10 for a gourmet ice cube tray, which irritated me. For the first few weeks of work I’d develop horrible headaches to the point of becoming disoriented. I quickly found out that the source of my headaches was none other than the giant room of overpriced Yankee candles.”
As far as Bwog can tell, there’s no catch to your enjoyment of their interior decorating recommendations.
@ok, I will not buy Bed Bath and Beyond’s products because they gave Josh Mathew headaches.
@EDT I can get 20% off everything online, *and* have my entire order shipped straight to my door at no extra cost.
@most of today’s posts have been trivial nonsense at best and spiteful mean gossip at worse. i expect better bwog. and for those who say, put up or shut up, i say, cut the crap. keep the trivial nonsense but cut the personal attacks, ie the one today that was launch specifically at riddhi. whatever you think of him, you really have no right to just attack and malign him.
@truth be told Bwog’s original post said something negative about Riddhi at all. Quite the opposite, in fact.
@Time zones Bwog, where are you? How are you setting your time stamps? Because this post was definitely not accessible at 9:00PM EST. And I’m extrapolating from half-way around the world anyway. Is Bwog a West-Coaster? Or is its server?
@Zach vS Thanks for noticing — our server in California had a blip. This should be fixed now.