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Posts Tagged with "shopping"

Now that you’re off the jumbo frosh meal plan and have your own kitchen, or have returned to campus from a land of cheaper food, you may be struggling to justify paying obscene prices for staples like Cheerios ($6 for a box?!) or favorites like avocados ($2.99 at Westside and MoWill). We’re in the same […]

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Even though school has been in session for a couple of days, there are some things that we still aren’t certain of—which meal plan we would actually benefit from,  which clubs we will actually be active in, and even which classes we’re actually going to take. Most of our schedules are loaded with classes, some […]

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As we all try to get back into an academic routine, it can be difficult during shopping week. All of your classes are busting at the door with people who waited until last night to get on the waitlist. While some of us treat shopping week as an appropriate time to test out 20 different […]

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Frenetic Fall Fun

You may have missed your chance to get a balloon animal, but take heart, there’s still plenty of fun to be had around campus. Occupy CU is holding a protest outside of the Law School, calling on Michael Sovern, former CU prez and current chair of Sotheby’s, to end the worker lockout. The crowd was […]

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Bwog braved the line yesterday at Trader Joe’s and would like you to be well-informed before you make the harrowing 40-block trek to buy groceries. Because you might get really pissed if, say, you showed up there tomorrow only to find there is no wine. That’s right: unlike its Union Square brother, this Trader Joe’s […]

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A long line of vendors peddling apparel and accessories has assembled along the west side of the Van Am Quad. In case you were wondering they comprise the Red Balloon Craft Fair, which is also hosting a huge buffet next door. Among the motley wares, Bwog noticed a pretty decent used CD stand, a selection […]

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Book Culture is having a sale today! Take advantage of 20% of everything in both locations, with some exclusions including course books and periodicals. The sun will feel even better knowing that you’ve boycotted Barnes & Noble supported an independent bookstore. It’s the last day of break! Go wild!

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   If you’re in need of fur coats, chicken kebabs, or chunky necklaces that harken back to Santa Fe circa 1990, stop by the crafts fair on Low running today and tomorrow.

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Those needing to fulfill their New Year’s Resolution of finally getting off campus need look no further than the DUMBO Winter Pop-Up Market for a healthy dosage of outer borough fun. The Market is an indoor flea market housed in two buildings on Front Street in the trendy up-and-coming Brooklyn neighborhood of DUMBO (and by […]

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Shoppers thronging the streets outside of Macy’s Someone’s going bankrupt Friday—either you, because you scraped the bottom of your bank account taking advantage of sharply reduced prices, or the nation’s retail stores, because their discounts couldn’t reverse months of slumping sales. Whatever happens in the final accounting, the crowds out shopping Friday in Manhattan were […]

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Street-shopping is a time-honored city tradition. There is nothing a New Yorker loves to brag about so much as their new pashmina scarf/gloves/rip-off handbag that they got “on the street for like 5 dollars!” – nothing, that is, except for scoring something cheap and vintage. Morningside Heightsers embracing the mantra of their adoptive home can […]

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Bwog kicks off Halloween early this year with a special guide to two of the neighborhood’s best costume purveyors, Ricky’s and  Possibilities @ Columbia. You can divide the world in two camps: Those who love Halloween and those who hate it.  Bwog falls into the former camp and we hope you do too. But we […]

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Babes in Toyland

Bwog’s guide to the best dollar-store toy shopping in Harlem: a detailed narrative. By Alex Weinberg, with help from Hillary Busis.  A walk through Harlem will most likely lead you by a few dollar stores. Go into them. You can stock up on red Solo cups, sure, but moreover, you can find the most flamboyantly […]

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Hot for Teacher

For students, shopping period (though not christened as such) is a time for self-exploration, stress, and belly butterflies.  For professors, it’s a time to show off  remarkable wit and sometimes-sexy whimsicality. Prof. David McKenna in Auteur Studies: Clint Eastwood: “Don’t e-mail me.  I repeat, DON’T E-MAIL ME.  I have the Internet to follow San Antonio […]

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The rumor mill is spinning with reports that upmarket grocery chain Whole Foods is set to move into a new condo development to supplant Park West Village, along Columbus Ave. from 97th to 100th Streets. New York real estate blog Curbed notes that, “because something about these Whole Foods rumors always seems to play out, […]

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Certainly feels like “we’re back b—-es” should not be the visible slogan for the revitalized encampment, especially if we want (read more)
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Certainly feels like “We’re back bitches” is not the slogan we should be using if we want to decenter ourselves (read more)
Palestinian Students Launch “Revolt For Rafah” Encampment Amidst 2024 Columbia Reunion
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How the fuck was this asshole not deported as of Jan 7, 2021. (read more)
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She is an icon, she is a legend, and she IS the moment. Barnard, my life, and all of NYC (read more)
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