More stuff you shouldn’t have saved on public computers.

If we live to die, why not flirt with death?


Is it more important to live in or for the moment? Is there a difference?


What would X say to Blacks today addicted to the cigarette?



Expressing larger cultural issues gives the reader some supporting evidence to a concept.  It allows the reader to view the situation from a step back, almost objectively.


They sit in various poses of concentrated interest. Harry Fatt, the head of the taxi union, addresses the men, but I assert that his words are meant for a wider audience, namely those sitting in the chairs, the men and women who purchased tickets.


Most of the patients coming to these hospitals were poor and once their prescriptions used to run out, they would go back to their painful existences without proper medical attention. Immanuel Kant (1724-1804) had once said that “have courage to use your own understanding” and I used my understanding to find a permanent solution to ameliorate sufferings of these people.


The characters speak taxi jargon and in the colloquial phrases of the working class.


Once these obstacles are understood, effective measures can be taken to undo the paradox which propels the harmful effects [of] spanking.