demottThe awkwardly named 20th Annual Anti-Gentrification Community Awareness Festival, a protest-cum-block party organized by the anti-expansion Coalition to Preserve Community (check out their impressive new site), went down this afternoon down the hill at Tiemann Place. Articles and pictures from the CPC’s past exploits festooned a central table, staffed by its ever-present leader Tom DeMott and Columbia kids from the Student
booksCoalition on Expansion and Gentrification. Bwog was intrigued by the difference between this shindig and the street fairs that occasionally block off Broadway by the main campus, as well as a bookseller’s choice of not one, but two copies of Adam Smith’s Wealth of Nations–boosting awareness of Columbia’s invisible hand, perhaps? Politics aside, Bwog rocked out to the excellent Creamsicles, while avoiding flying tennis balls from a game taking place in the middle of the street. Heads!