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QuickSpec- Exodus Edition
Bwog Staff on
Oct 30, 2006
Tel Aviv taps Zvi…
…After mysterious disappearance of CB…
…While Republicans shed party loyalty
Take Back the Night hands out “pens, highlighters, chapstick, lollipops” at 1020, patrons confused
Play includes “chicken farming”, “a fringed belt assembled from a shredded copy of the Columbia Daily Spectator”, “a Bible-quoting triple-murderer turned pizza boy”, “freedom”
Spec serials continue their march toward the inevitable Pulitzer: “You must bless the round before you pound”
Miriam explores, vicariously, the world of the “spank-ee,” who offers up “ass and self”
@Anonymous “No matter what my beliefs are, Israel is at the top of my agenda,” she said. “I don’t like that people choose a party and stick with it.
Allowing a singular issue like Israel to decide your candidate isn’t much different than sticking with a party.
@DHI I think the bobrauschenbergamerica article and the sex column should have been combined into one article. The play was great, and sex on top of a martini is a much better form of kinky sex than spanking, and you can even make a series of one word sentences about it.
“Gin. Vermouth. Olives. Desire. Want.”
@someone needs to spank Miriam. In the head. With a baseball bat. STOP KILLING SEX FOR EVERYONE!
@she isn't the only one. aparently there are republicans for spitzer too
@hmmm From the Datskovsky collum
“at 11 years old, the club has a great relationship with the administration”
Poor choice of words
@Sprinkles You win!