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QuickSpec: raised eyebrow edition
Bwog Staff on
Oct 02, 2006
‘Primordial Ooze’ Blessed by Church, and Reindeer; Bwog, However, Wants to Know Where Bwog Can Buy Its Very Own Screeching Piglet
University Administrators, Luminaries, Quip, Joke, Tease Their Way into Trustee Pocketbooks
“It’s Easy to Blame That Man-Slut For Fucking You Over”
Columbia Lends Hand to Estonia, Spec Opinion Hopes Estonia Will Lend Hand Back. Soviet Union No Longer in Tact
And in Sports, Aggressive Defense is the Only Way to Win, But if Only It Wasn’t for That Stagnant Offense!
@juanathon wang “I cannot understand the indecipherable entity that is the male species”
Fine qualifications for a sex columnist!
Her last column was about pornography, and this one is whiningly needy. Anyone else get the feeling she has not gotten laid in a while?
@I'd hit it.
@I'd hit it.
@imo in my opinion, the sex columnist should be attractive. that’s just my opinion, though.
@no, she really overextended this “need to feel wanted” specifically to men. Being a stereotypical player is the opposite of the need to feel wanted.
It would be more accurate to say “Want. Sex. Wanting to have sex”
@hmm i liked her column this week…
@me too oddly enough. although i dont see why they cant find someone better. me, for example.
@probably because she’s in charge of the editorial page, so she won’t be firing herself any time soon. alas.
@reference miriam is a word slut? Is she fucking someone with talent? oh, it didn’t work that time
@miriam is a word-slut.
@good lord stop it already, miriam. ughhhh.
@Ah! The Bwog redesign is starting to do it for me.
@ughh i hate miriam’s column. that is all