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Posts Tagged with "money"

On nuclear weapons, a new Supreme Court Justice, and worrisome sums of money.

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We all have to watch our spending as students but it turns out that the SGA puts even more thought into their budgets than we do! Staff Writer Liv Nelson reports.

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Thought Bwog Finance was a one time thing? You thought too soon! We’re back, and better than ever. Now that you’ve got your checking account covered, we’re back with “Basic Kinds Of Investments” so you have a place to put all that money you’re saving on monthly fees. This Bwog Finance Column will be a […]

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According to CCE, there is currently “no centralized resource for finding [casual] on-campus employment.” Helpful. Whether you’re looking for a work-study job or are just looking for some extra pocket money, we’ve amassed a list of jobs on and around campus that are available for all to apply to, as well as some helpful details. Enjoy! […]

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Looks cool, right Tickets for the 122nd Annual Varsity Show go on sale today! Get yours here. The show is on April 29th and 30th at 8 PM. There will also be a matinee on May 1st at 2 PM along with a night show at 8 PM. Whether or not you went to the West End […]

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In this new series, Bwog travels to nearby exotic locations to save our sanity and burst out of the MoHi bubble. First stop: Port Jefferson, Long Island. Pretty beaches, vegan food, and stars (visible w/out going to the top floor of Pupin). What more could you ask for? Getting there The LIRR, or the Long […]

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Do you dream in dollar signs? Does your Tinder bio include the phrases “entrepreneurial endeavors” or “hedge fund”? If so (or even if not and you just have an interest in the business world), apply now to the CC/SEAS residential program Res. Inc. Called a “living and learning community,” Res. Inc. Res. Inc. “establishes an […]

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An (alleged Russian) attack against JPMorgan and Chase infiltrated over 83 million American accounts, according to the bank’s latest count. (Time) For the few people that haven’t heard of Netflix, be warned that Redbox is shutting down its video-streaming service in t-minus two days. (Engadget) In other F-U Apple related news, Samsung released an ad showing just how durable their […]

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Earlier this week Bwog contributor and  earner of frequent (lecture) flier miles Fainan Lakha attended a talk given by an author some of you may be familiar with: Richard Rodriguez.  Below is his account: This past Thursday I saw a talk given at Union Theological Seminary by Richard Rodriguez, author of, among several works, an […]

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The government is still shut down, but apparently they’re working on that. (WSJ) Luckily, the NSA is the one government organization that never sleeps — they’re too busy going through your email contacts. (The Washington Post) People explaining how they spent their last $100 is pretty interesting. Not like their last $100 ever, just their […]

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Good news bears! The University expects to raise its original goal, announced in September 2006, of $4 billion nearly a year ahead of schedule. The $4 billion plan was the largest fundraising effort in the history of higher education. But we can’t stop, won’t stop: the University hopes to raise a total of $5 billion […]

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Columbia ranked as the 19th most dangerous college in the country. (DNAinfo) Friday’s Tornados murder New York’s trees. (Times) More money, more problems. (ai5000) Waitlist woes. (Spec) Photo from Wikimedia Commons

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Bagels are eight cents more expensive at Nussbaum as of this past weekend. That’s 98 cents a bagel instead of 90 cents. In other news, Marla Maples (who is apparently a real person that used to be married to Donald Trump) was seen at a CC info session on Friday with her teenage daughter, Tiffany […]

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Satow Room Bureau Chief James Downie reports with the latest from CCSC: Without President Sue Yang in attendance, CCSC’s meeting proceeded with only a few updates of note (on the bright side, it was also done in time for most of the Oscars). First, the Elections Board discussed the progress of the elections, declaring there […]

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Certainly feels like “we’re back b—-es” should not be the visible slogan for the revitalized encampment, especially if we want (read more)
Palestinian Students Launch “Revolt For Rafah” Encampment Amidst 2024 Columbia Reunion
June 1, 2024
Certainly feels like “We’re back bitches” is not the slogan we should be using if we want to decenter ourselves (read more)
Palestinian Students Launch “Revolt For Rafah” Encampment Amidst 2024 Columbia Reunion
June 1, 2024
How the fuck was this asshole not deported as of Jan 7, 2021. (read more)
Gavin McInnes, Founder Of The Proud Boys, Seen On Columbia’s Campus On Wednesday
May 30, 2024
She is an icon, she is a legend, and she IS the moment. Barnard, my life, and all of NYC (read more)
Senior Wisdom: Paulina
May 30, 2024

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