CTV viewers were shocked—and secretly hopeful—at the announcement a few days ago that Sexiled, that sex show on CTV, is looking for two new hosts. That’s right: Vanessa Goldstein and Travis Cone are ready to hand over the reigns to their liberated forum of hard-hitting sexual discussion, and are holding auditions for replacements. In an email to Bwog, Vanessa explained:
The last few semesters have been great. We have had sex-educated guests, sex-oriented club groups, field trips to sex shops, and have won a lot of publicity—some good, some controversial. Either way, it has been an amazing experience and I want to pass it on. To keep up hype, every so often the show needs a makeover—a new face, new format, new topics. We are looking for sexy, loud, funny individuals—preferably one man and one woman—who feel comfortable talking about all topics of sex and who can have fun doing it.
Bwog readers: Now’s your chance!!! If you think you’ve got the stuff to make it as a representative of Sex at Columbia, auditions will be held tonight from 7-830PM in the CTV Studio, 5th floor Lerner, and on Friday, December 1 from 7-9.