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Posts Tagged with "ctv"

As the school year starts, you will be inundated with student groups asking you to leave your fields to flower and join them.  Before you go signing up for every listserv under the sun, we wanted to provide you with a brief rundown on the cafeteria of Columbia–those student groups that make the most buzz […]

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  This isn’t the first time CTV has looped Frodo’s horrified face, and we pray it won’t be the last. Tune in to Columbia cable channel 77 to watch the DVD menu of Lord of the Rings: Return of the King. Do they only have one out of the trilogy? Shoulda got the boxed set, bro. Update: […]

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CTV is not Netflix

An anonymous tipster reports that CTV has been running the menu screen of Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King since last night. They opined that “the constant horrified Frodo face is getting annoying.” To which we ask, why have you been watching CTV since last night, or ever? Frodo, aka Elijah Wood […]

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On academic freedom: “Their exclusive medium and stylized rhetoric render them inaccessible to a large portion of the public whom they might endeavor to engage and educate.” We don’t get cable, so we don’t buy TV’s, so we don’t watch their soaps. A prominent campus figure explains what exactly Conservatism is. Kenneth is real. Image […]

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Barnard housing for the win!  But still not quite able to let Columbians in. CTV is going for broke… While CU Snacks goes up in smoke. Help us win more! the Spectator cries Nothing to see here, the Ivy League lies

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The matter of how the 200 Obamacain seats would be assigned was a pressing concern for about 15,000 of you.  At the same time, many campus media organizations applied for press credentials (which were approved — or, in all cases but two, denied — by ServiceNation), so that they could record, report, videotape, and photograph […]

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So to speak. “After these long, lonely months without a Columbia soap opera,” writes CTV producer totally independent operator Katie Simon, “we decided it was time for a change. Prepare yourself for Exclusion Suite, Columbia’s SECOND original soap opera, coming this January to an internet connection near you.” Get involved in what’s sure to be […]

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Columbia, edited

In the grand tradition of Columbia media outlets, CTV News has released a guide to everything you need to know to go here, an 11-minute broadcast that’s been split into six bite-sized videos for your viewing convenience. Bwog brings you the CliffNotes to the highlights. Most Useful: Year in Review Judging by the class of […]

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Still cramming?

CTV’s got Core review sessions for Lit Hum (with Mark Cohen) and Frontiers (with Darcy Kelley), with Music Hum to come tomorrow at 6PM on Channel 37! Also having to do with recorded stuff, except things that you actually want to listen to, Spec has a web-only story about the RIAA’s latest shenanigans: they’ve thrown […]

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Columbia’s own CNN – or perhaps MSNBC – presents its latest episode, and we dissect it for you.  Core schmore, what about the part when he made fun of “300”?! CTV presents: Beating a Dead Horse 101. What is a Mimzy? If it doesn’t have any connection to the Core or Modesitt, we don’t care. […]

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Quick CTV

New semester, new season of CTV. Same hosts; same production values (note the dropped audio in the first few seconds of the show); thankfully, same opening sequence, featuring a CTV correspondent stepping out from behind the Butler stacks. Pure gold – and we’re only being half sarcastic. Notable stories on the first episode included: Now […]

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Bwog must interrupt its holiday programming for this important announcement. The New York Daily News, that staid bastion of equanimity, has declared that Columbia is out of control, and they’re not talking politics: this time, it’s all that wild crazy sex. The 1,200-word feature story (which ran online with the dubiously related picture at right) […]

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CTV viewers were shocked—and secretly hopeful—at the announcement a few days ago that Sexiled, that sex show on CTV, is looking for two new hosts.  That’s right: Vanessa Goldstein and Travis Cone are ready to hand over the reigns to their liberated forum of hard-hitting sexual discussion, and are holding auditions for replacements.  In an […]

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For those of us who spent Thursday night watching Grey’s Anatomy instead of CTV’s soap opera premiere, The Gates, our strange dream of watching fellow Columbians act like melodramatic fellow Columbians is now realized! Watch the drama unfold in the poor quality tradition of YouTube. (See the links below.) Oh the suspense! The Gates Pilot […]

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Oh, My Virgin Eyes!

Well, it finally happened: CTV has realized how to attract viewers.  A post on today’s IvyLeak reports that, last night, at 10:45 PM, our traditionally unwatched television network aired a five-minute clip of hardcore anal sex as part of the show Sexiled.  There was heavy breathing, there were hand-held cameras, and, for the first time […]

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Certainly feels like “we’re back b—-es” should not be the visible slogan for the revitalized encampment, especially if we want (read more)
Palestinian Students Launch “Revolt For Rafah” Encampment Amidst 2024 Columbia Reunion
June 1, 2024
Certainly feels like “We’re back bitches” is not the slogan we should be using if we want to decenter ourselves (read more)
Palestinian Students Launch “Revolt For Rafah” Encampment Amidst 2024 Columbia Reunion
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How the fuck was this asshole not deported as of Jan 7, 2021. (read more)
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She is an icon, she is a legend, and she IS the moment. Barnard, my life, and all of NYC (read more)
Senior Wisdom: Paulina
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