Because a few interesting tidbits have been coming over the alias, and we’re tired of talking about grades too.

global warming– We may have forgotten about the Minuteman dust-up, but the members of New York Immigration Control and Enforcement (a few of whom were in Roone on the fateful night) couldn’t let it go. According to CNN, “several” protested outside Lerner on Thursday, demanding that the offending students be expelled. Bwog has learned that eight students have been sent disciplinary letters and decisions are pending, but we’ll go out on a limb to say that they’ll be able to finish out their time at Columbia.

Meanwhile, protester-in-chief Karina Garcia will be back at school this semester after having taken the rest of 2006 off to go on a speaking tour of high schools, colleges, and radio stations, including a keynote address at the Socialism Conference in LA hosted by the Party for Socialism and Liberation. The College Republicans haven’t got anything on their docket–could 2007 be the year of chill at Columbia?

– Not weatherwise, anyway. It was 68 degrees today in the city, and 2006 marked the first time that New York had a snowless November and December since 1877. But really, it’s all just hype

– Carrie Bradshaws of the world, take note! The Spectator is looking for editorial board members and columnists. Yes, including a sex columnist.

– Twenty-one blocks north, a much nicer subway story than those involving chainsaw-wielding goons.

– It seems that Macintosh is closed for asbestos removal. That explains some things.

– The Columbia crown has been turning up in some strange places recently. But considering Public Affairs still hasn’t decided whether the logo should be secular chic or trendily theist (in Bwog’s estimation, crosses and spades have aboout an equal presence on campus these days), Duke Nukem is the least of their worries.

Thanks to Julia Kite, Dan Gant, Jessica Cohen, Addison Anderson, and Miguel Lopez for the tips.