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Posts Tagged with "updates"

Staff Writer Mary Qiu attended University Life Forum’s COVID update panel that presented both a broad overview of the present COVID situation and a snapshot of Columbia’s COVID policies on testing, future vaccine distribution, and maintaining student wellness. 

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CCSC got down to business right away in their meeting last night, going over their budget as well as bylaw adjustments. New Bureau Chief Tamara Barriot was on hand to record the quickly-moving discussion. Upon returning from the Student Council and Governing Board Retreat this past weekend, Columbia College Student Council had nothing but business […]

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Quality of Life Survey At Friday’s University Senate Plenary, four student senators – Marc Heinrich (Columbia College), Ramis Wadood (Columbia College), Emily Moore (SEAS Grad Students), and Grace Kelley (Nursing School) – gave an in-depth presentation on the quality of life survey sent out last year. General information has already been distributed by the Senate, […]

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Things got ~dramatic~ at last night’s CCSC meeting, complete with suspenseful Jeopardy music. But, first things first, Monday marauder Joe Milholland brings you up to date on the latest resolutions for Bacchanal, which may or may not pass. Bacchanal Resolution At Sunday night’s Columbia College Student Council (CCSC) general body meeting, VP of Communications Grayson Warrick […]

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Amid confusion and concern, experienced CCSC translator Joe Milholland brings to us the relevant details from this week’s meeting—in particular, the focus on improving academic advising services for students. This probably applies to you! At Sunday night’s Columbia College Student Council (CCSC) general body meeting, as the council was discussing the Center for Student Advising […]

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The following University statement was sent out, noting that Columbia cannot comment on the allegations of the Title IX complaint because they have not yet seen it. It also states that Columbia is working to improve the current system, which will continue even in the face of the Title IX, Title II, and Clery complaints […]

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PrezBo wants us to know he’s serious about handling our concerns about sexual assault. In addition to his previous letter stating his commitment to addressing sexual assault on campus, he sent out this letter giving the following updates on the administration’s progress: PrezBo will create a new administrative position, the Executive Vice President for Student […]

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The committee to determine who gets SIC space on campus — the new “Special Interest Community House” (AKA the Convent), two EC townhouses, and a space in Wallach — had their final meeting today.  They will be presenting their suggestions to Dean Martinez, who will make the final decisions next week.  Later this month, applications […]

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Pimp My Columbia

It’s official—the sweet ’16ers are here! The international/West-Coast ones, at least… In honor of their arrival, campus is wearing its finest. John Jay got new, temporarily stain-free carpets… until some freshperson vomits on it during NSOP oh wait that’s Carman spills some Massaman sauce from their Wondee delivery whilst making a heated point in a […]

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When the Dean Search Committee was first announced last month, PrezBo set the projected deadline as the end of the academic year—a.k.a. today.  But, according to CCSC President and newest member of the search party Karishma Habbu, a permanent Columbia College Dean won’t be chosen until the end of May, at the earliest. A detailed outline […]

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Adam Klein—the last of the students arrested in Operation Ivy League to begin pretrial proceedings—was denied diversion to treatment in a Manhattan courtroom today, reports Bloomberg. Had he been granted diversion and completed the program successfully, Klein could have avoided a felony charge on his criminal record. “Obviously we’re disappointed,” Klein’s attorney, Alan Abramson, told […]

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Sadly, the pair of cranes visible in the distance from the 1 stop at 125th street is not an elaborate teaser for a new surprise Star Wars installment (we’re crushed, too). In fact, they’re towering over the site of Columbia’s new Manhattanville campus. The cranes signify the start of work on the slurry wall, an impressive […]

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We have a new concept space on campus, hot on the heels of the Zen Garden. A recent email from DSpar on Barnard’s renovations included the following message: “Thanks to the faculty and students in the Architecture Department, Altschul Atrium is newly reconfigured as The Hive. It’s an innovative space divided into lounge, meeting, and […]

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Without even an announcement, the powers that be have seriously revamped the Dodge Fitness Center! Bwog thought the changes were so substantial they deserved more than a mere Boringside mention. Last week, we (Emily) posted on how to comport yourself in Pupin’s congested underbelly, and, sure enough, the space was promptly spruced. Pure speculation: perhaps the […]

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Carpet Diem

Here are the things you could do at Koronet’s last semester: Gorge yourself on giant pizza slices Use the awning as a smoking haven when it’s raining out, you want a cigarette, and the Mel’s bouncers are being particularly ornery Abuse the parmesan cheese and red pepper flake station Here are the things you can […]

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Certainly feels like “we’re back b—-es” should not be the visible slogan for the revitalized encampment, especially if we want (read more)
Palestinian Students Launch “Revolt For Rafah” Encampment Amidst 2024 Columbia Reunion
June 1, 2024
Certainly feels like “We’re back bitches” is not the slogan we should be using if we want to decenter ourselves (read more)
Palestinian Students Launch “Revolt For Rafah” Encampment Amidst 2024 Columbia Reunion
June 1, 2024
How the fuck was this asshole not deported as of Jan 7, 2021. (read more)
Gavin McInnes, Founder Of The Proud Boys, Seen On Columbia’s Campus On Wednesday
May 30, 2024
She is an icon, she is a legend, and she IS the moment. Barnard, my life, and all of NYC (read more)
Senior Wisdom: Paulina
May 30, 2024

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