Alright, alright, we got it. So we’ve already heard the news from all over the place, as have many of you guys: Marine Corps reservist and conservative military bias activist Matt Sanchez GS ’07 is former gay porn star Rod Majors, according to Gawker, here, and here too. However, last night, Sanchez issued a personal defense on his blog and Sanchez posts:
“Did I think I could become a ‘public figure’ without some scrutiny? Of course not! Am I so craven for attention that I’ll stop at anything to get it? I’m the first to admit that I want to be heard, read and taken seriously, but some issues really are simple and some are more complex. I always hear the complaint of information reduced to sound bytes and of the lack of depth in public discourse. Well, porn is porn; self-explanatory and of little depth. The pictures do pretty much all the talking, and in an age when pictures are so abundant, they don’t say much. I’m concerned many will feel inadequate, as a conservative, I like to insist on equal opportunity even if some start off with more than others.
“I don’t like porn, it reduces the mind, flattens the soul. That’s not hypocrisy talking, that’s experience. If I started off with liberal leanings, being on a gay porn set should have been heaven. In porn, everything taboo is trivialized and everything trivial is projected. How does a conservative trace his roots to such distasteful beginnings? Like all followers of a cult, it’s tough to figure out when you stopped believing in the party-line, but I can tell you that by the time I finished my summer tour of the major studios, I was pretty disgusted with myself. It was an emotional low, and the people who surrounded me were like drug dealers only interested in being with the anesthetized in order not to shake off the stupor of being high. Why did I become a conservative? Just look at what I left, and look at who is attacking me to today? Let’s face it people, you’re all cynical enough to know that if I had espoused liberal causes, spoken out against the military, got a liberal award for courage and then outed with a porn-past, you’d be clamoring for my memoir, and nominating me for a diversity ticket with Barack Obama. Instead those who complain about wire-tapping reserve the right to eavesdrop on my private life for political brownie points…”
More on the story after the jump.
Sanchez recently acknowledged his pornographic work in an interview with gay blogger Joe.My.God., a week after receiving the Jean Kirkpatrick Academic Freedom Award for his activism at the annual Conservative Political Action Conference (where Ann Coulter called John Edwards a “faggot” and, ironically, posed with Sanchez in the above photograph).
Last night on MSNBC’s Countdown, where the Sanchez story claimed the #1 spot, Huffington Post blogger Max Blumenthal (responsible for this blog post) stated that he “fully expect[s] the people who supported him on the right to throw him under the bus now,” and that “it doesn’t matter inherently that he was a gay porn star — what matters is that he’s a hypocrite who’s advancing on the ideological homophobia of the right and helping them exploit this homophobia for political gain.”
Former porn star he may be, but is Sanchez a hypocrite? Whether or not Blumenthal’s label is appropriate, we leave to you, dear Bwog readers.
@Marco The list of Sanchez’ Hollywood “friends” is coming in.
Eduardo Xol, Extreme Makeover Designer
@Sanchez Look, I fought the HEAT man, the heat. Under fire. You get that, man? Fire, refrigerator? I was putting out fires, man.
You don’t know what it was like. Out there. In the heat. Under fire.
@McFister Zing!
@RodMajors Hahaha, I like how Matt always makes a huge deal about being a modern-day warrior or something, yet, according to the Marine Corp Times hes just a refrigeration mechanic.
@"Sanchez Speaks" For the record, I have never ‘queer-raped’ anyone, let alone burst into someone’s room, holding my ’11-inch uncut monster in one hand and a ‘meth pipe’ in the other.
And for the record, guys, it’s 12 INCHES.
@joe Making out with a dude at when you’re drunk at a frat party is a little different than 8 years of porn and escorting business… I mean, that’s not really just experimenting now is it.
I also believe, as many do, that for men sexuality (gay/straight) is much more clear cut than the sliding scale women seem to be on.
@Why Even consider being a gay prostitute if you are straight? Let along do gay porn because it seems like fun. People often accept the fact they are queer and start acting on it, but few if any gays suddenly realize they are straight. I mean think of your own sexuality, whatever it is. You knew pretty early on. I think it is much less of construct then people at Columbia try and make it out to be. Sure a girl can munch carpet for a little while–whatever; but you’ll know if you want scum rammed up your pooter.
@.... “Sure a girl can munch carpet for a little while–whatever; but you’ll know if you want scum rammed up your pooter.”
So females can “expirement” while males can’t?
“Even consider being a gay prostitute if you are straight? Let along do gay porn because it seems like fun.”
Again, there seems to be a double-standard. I fully accept that homosexuals who were in heterosexual marriages for years, and then came out as homosexuals, are in fact homosexuals. Just so, I’d accept a heterosexual who was involved in homosexual relationships for years, and then announced he/she was heterosexual, as heterosexual.
I sincerely apologize if the following offends anyone, but here goes: The American race construct is defined by blood, and historically, even a drop of the more discriminated-against race, made someone that race. So a “drop” of black (or, say 1 black grandparent) made someone “truly” black regardless of their appearance or their own self-declared identity. Isn’t your conception of sexuality the same? One past homosexual act (or even repeated homosexual acts) makes someone “gay”, while a “gay” person’s past heterosexual acts have no bearing on your conception of their identity.
I fully respect people’s choice to mark whatever the hell they want on their census form–I don’t see it as my right to tell someone whose ancestry is 25%, 50%, or even 75% asian that they are “truly” asian and that they need to “act asian” whatever the hell that would mean. I also respect people’s right to identity however they want sexually, despite what they may have done in the past.
Again, its not my right, nor your right, to tell Sanchez or anyone else who they “truly” are and define their proper political positions based on your conception of their identity.
@Mark Anderson What is sick about this is Matt Sanchez probably got on the airways through his gay escort work, i.e., “servicing” prominent politicians/republicans. That is how the beltway works, i.e., through blackmail. The politicians have to promote their fluffers as a payoff to keep them silent. What is even worse than that is, while Sanchez gets handpicked to speak about the “issues” because of sexual escepades, real veterans are dying to speak about some real issues. I am a disabled Marine Corps veteran myself, and I can assure you that our problem is not some antiwar student at Columbia. Our problems range from having been shot up with experimental vaccines, ending up with health problems, being ignored by the VA, to having our G.I. Bills taken away because we end up with health problems due to those very same shots we were required to take, as the VA says that we are “too disabled” to go to college, meanwhile giving us little or no disability compensation. Unfortunately, real veterans have their real issues get crowded out by these neocon man whores, and so the dumbed down public runs around thinking everything is okay, and that those who speak about the real issues are the bad ones.
@John Sanchez is a hustler. Obviously, he’s had to swallow his pride in the past, and I wouldn’t put it past him to do it in the present. It’s a shame that he would abuse our University as a stepping stone to fame or notoriety, but then again it’s a shame that Columbia will have to take it lying down :)
@joe “I think you make some good points in your post although I think homosexual identity is culturally determined, simply because there are higher rates of homosexuality in certain societies or class positions. (Were upperclass Greeks somehow more genetically predisoposed to homosexuality, or did something about their cultural environment play a role in it?)”
No, that’s wrong–there is no evidence of this. In fact, quite to the contrary. One of the greatest biological causalities would be the fact that there are homosexuals all over the world, even in Iran and Egypt and other countries where the punishment for being gay is capital. If it *seems* like there are more gays in some social classes/cultures, it is an illusion. A lot more people are just closeted or unable/unwilling to come out.
“I’d simply say its a bit disturbining to me sometimes that men can have sexual relations with women for years, and then identify as gay, and they’re supposed to be accepted as “gay”. On the other hand, a man who has had homosexual relations, but then later marries and indentifies as “straight” is “repressing his identity”.”
Come on now, put a little brain effort into this one. Why is it that people lead “heterosexual” lives for years and years and then come out as gay as opposed to the other way around? This isn’t that challenging. People hide their homosexuality because it is still in some circles culturally taboo or because they were brought up to supress it or because they were scared of losing family/friends, etc. There is no such motivation to go the other way around. Unless you’ve never really accepted it healthily in the first place (porn and escorting is hardly leading a “normal” gay life) and you have other motivations to hide it.
@.... Again, I’m not saying that in Iran or Egypt there are no homosexuals, and in Greece there were a lot of homosexuals only because it was culturally accepted. I’m saying that in some cultures, because of wide acceptance of homosexuality, or in the case of classical Greece a culture in which homosexuality was the norm for the upper class and exclusive hetrosexuality was thought strange, there will be an increased number of homosexuals. Taking the LGBTQ talking point, which I agree with, no one is 100% straight, 100% gay, or 50%-50% exactly. (I understand that actually assigning percentages to people is ridiculous, but just as an illustration) So, in Iran one would think that because of the severe punishments, even people who are, say 70% gay and 30% straight will identify as heterosexual while in a culture that is very accepting of homosexuality, or even enourages homosexuality, the numbers might be very different–in classical Greece for example, upper class men who were 80% straight and 20% gay practiced homosexuality. Again, I understand that assigning percentages is artificial and a bit ridiculous, but I’m trying to illustrate that cultural context affects people’s own conceptions of their identity–they self-identify as “gay” or “straight” rather than “gay-in the closet” or “straight-in the closet”.
I’m not sure that “experimentation” with homosexuality followed by a hetrosexual lifestyle is all that uncommon. Now, you would say that is because they are “repressing” their “true selves”, but, although this is probably the case sometimes, I’m arguing that there is a high likelihood that many who experimented, were doing just that–experimenting–and that I think its best to simply accept the identity they have chosen. Which of those who experiment are really “gay” and are “respressing” their identity? I have no fucking clue, and that’s also the point: because I am external to their psyche I’m not going to use my “gaydar” or any other psuedo-psychological bullshit to choose their identity for them.
So, when Sanchez says he’s never been in a homosexual relationship, but acted in gay-porn and was a male escort in the past, but is now married and straight, I’ll aceept him as straight. I don’t think I have the right to tell him that, although he may not even know it, he’s “repressing his true self” and he needs to get with the program, divorce his wife, and be gay again. To me, Sanchez is straight if he says he’s straight, and he’s not a “hypocrite” for saying he’s straight even though he practiced homosexuality years ago.
@300. The plot thickens. That does change things. Do you have screen caps of any of that markeros?
We’ve seriously outdone ourselves this time, 3 scandals or uproars in a week.
@For the record he once hit on me (I’m a guy)
@Where Where was this?
@markeros Not manscape, manhunt. My bad.
@markeros Honestly?
I really think he’s doing this so he can get booted out of the military because he doesn’t want to have to put his money where his big yap is and go to Iraq.
And because he wants a book deal.
@markeros Yeah, I printed it out when I saw it.
(before he could delete the profile, which he did as soon as his summer in “San Carlos, CA” ended)
I had no desire to out him, even though he is a jackass.
Apparently they’ve got more recent proof in the blogosphere. 12 days ago he accessed his Manscape profile.
link to his interview with porn director Kristen Bjorn
link to a site with an interview from this week.
I just think it’s sad that people actually know his name. That’s really all he apparently ever wanted.
@markeros And when did Mancheza’s supposed conversion take place?
Cause he had an ad on in August, 2006. With the Spec picture of him on College Walk as one of the SFW pics.
And, of course, he listed his political affiliation as “lean Left”.
Just sayin’
@Areyou Are you serious? That would obviously change things. Do you have proof of this or is this all from your memory?
@Sanchez He is the Columbia Chupacabra
@Felipe Tarud Please go back to talking about me now. This is boring
@not with all this publicity he is getting, is he increasing revenue from his residuals ?
@McFister Do porn stars get residuals?
@hrm “Do porn stars get residuals?”
Generally only the ones that they have to wash off immediately after a shoot.
@not I thought he was being hypocritical with his conflicting views, despite what Dick Chenney tells you the Republican party is anti-gay. But the it all made sense, what better place for a gay porn star than barracks full of young, strong, and impressionable young men.
@Jose Just leave the poor guy alone
@ISO Don’t know about you, but I think old sucio can take it like a man
@from the left side Who cares? I mean, don’t get me wrong, I think this is a way juicy story. But if I’m not mistaken, Sanchez hasn’t made any derogatory remarks about homosexuality or porn that contradict him having a past in it.
This isn’t Mark Foley or Ted Haggard. I think his response was well written and we should all just move on.
@joe Actually, he does make derogatory comments about homosexuals:
“There’s something about the beleaguered gay psyche that wants to prove to the world that everyone is just as messed up as they are. So, they start off with the term hypocrite and work their way backwards looking for signs of deviant behavior in hopes of discovering some type of bastard kinship. …The gay community eats its own in a frenzied hope of self-serving fulfillment.”
I don’t really get what he’s saying: certainly being a porn star/escort is more “deviant” and hardly the norm in the gay community… his experience within the community is obviously very shallow and niche but it’s what he chose, and now he is trying to make these tremendous generalizations without any sort of understanding or comprehension of what the gay “community” (a weird term, since there is hardly one community) is. I think the only beleaguered psyche is Mr. Sanchez himself.
@hmm i think #8 said it best
@Oh my God! I can’t believe people are saying these disgusting awful things! I am scared to go to school tomorrow!
@good idea One day I think Sanchez will be class day speaker. This guy is going to have a hell of a career in whatever he wants. From Porn to Fox News is quite the jump, he’s versatile.
@best idea ever matt sanchez for class day speaker
@McFister Not for nothing, but he is apparently a Streisand fan:
Q. How often has being recognized from your videos affected your life?
A. That’s an excellent question and I think a lot of people wonder about being recognized. It really hasn’t affected my life at all. In fact, most of the world (which we shouldn’t forget is composed of straight people) has no idea about videos much less gay videos. I could tell you a little story when it has been positive; I got last-minute tickets to go see Barbra Streisand here in New York City. I was very excited and the curtain was going up in a couple of minutes so I ran to my seat. When I approached the usher he said I would have to stand for the first act because Ms. Streisand didn’t approve of people walking around when she performed. I was distraught, I had just paid $350 for the ticket! Suddenly behind me appeared a famous magician and a renowned German covergirl. The same formerly reluctant usher immediately offered to escort these two celebrities to their seats, which were in fact not far from my own! I was annoyed and I was about to protest when another usher intervened and said “One moment Mr. Majors, I’ll take you to your seat.” Gay men can be both catty when they have recognized me as well as distant. Which has made me a bit reticent about talking to people. If you do see me somewhere discreetly say “hi.” Most people call me Mateo, by the way.
@joe Homosexual in the past? What does that even mean?
@Sprinkles It doesn’t matter what people’s sexuality is – the fact that they’d cozy up with Ann Coulter is repulsive enough.
@i think This is going to make the right wingers look good. They’re just going to keep praising him for his conservative ideals and military service while the left wing tries to convince them to “throw him under a bus”. The right wing will get to point out how hypocritical the left wing is and end up looking like the tolerant ones. Surely some fanatic will say that Sanchez is going to hell and should be dishonorably discharged etc etc, and O’Reilly and the crowd will condemn that person.
Ann Coulter, this is your second chance.
@celibate? For a lot of Marines, being a Marine is like a religion. Sanchez strikes me as one of those. What if he’s still gay in terms of being sexually attracted to men, but simply swears off sex while he’s activated or training as a Marine? Since he’s a reservist, it’s probably not an unreasonable way to go if that works. Even if he’s deployed for months or a year at a time, say in Iraq or Afghanistan, he may be able to get by. We’re sexual beings, but it is possible not to have sex for a long stretch of time.
@straight / gay Of course defining a present identity based upon past acts and past disposition is erroneous. Many of those critics are idiots. In fact, I assumed that the “gay” label was based on the belief that he still was involved in homosexual intercourse or the like, which apparently is an unfounded belief.
@err, yeah i meant that in reply to 36.
@cdr's discretion Matt’s history before he was a Marine doesn’t factor – the military isn’t allowed to ask about sexual orientation when joining. In fact, according to the DADT compromise, he can be gay and still serve, but it’s a problematic arrangement. Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell, Don’t Pursue is a vague law – essentially, it’s bad policy. Hopefully, it’ll go away when its many critics in government and the military can get their act together and build up enough momentum for legislative change. As far as Matt’s future, from what I gather from talking to friends who are officers, a lot of it comes down to commander’s discretion. Many gays have served in the military while their co-workers knew, or at least strongly suspected, their sexual orientation. Many commanders have chosen to do their best not to “ask” or “pursue”. It will be interesting to see how this plays out in Matt’s case.
@stats Not suprisingly, the number of DADT discharges has dropped precipitously since the Iraq war started. Highly doubt he gets discharged right now, although its certainly possible.
@cdr's discretion A lot depends on how Matt represents himself. It helps if his past has been left in the past. If it comes out that Matt is leading a ‘closeted’ double-life today, especially if he’s telling people he’s not, then it’ll be tough.
@DADT worked when someone’s homosexuality was grounds for blackmail by an enemy agent – no longer.
@According to polls used by SLDN, the vast majority of soldiers don’t care if another soldier is gay or not. The issues and concerns that resulted in DADT may very well be a product of a by-gone generation, for whom those issues and concerns were reasonable. Today, I tend to think of DADT as an obsolete law that has remained active for years past its spoilage date out of sheer government inertia.
As far as that goes, one of the ROTC advocates’ arguments was that if ROTC returned to Columbia – thereby ending the anti-military stigma – at the same time Columbia actively lobbied Congress to change DADT, it would help change things. I don’t know, but something different needs to happen to break the gridlock.
@it need not be... the end of discussion. The issue about people falsely attributing an “true identity” to Sanchez is also a broader societal problem. More relevantly, I’m guessing that the critics are considering his acts as constitutive of his identity. So, pointing out the issue of identity is only ancillary to the claim of hypocrisy, which is about one’s actions and expressed beliefs. So the issue would rest upon whether or not he continues homosexual acts (or at least public ones like porn), along with whether his support of one cause of an institution – FOX’s military advocacy- is considered an affirmation of any of their other beliefs. In the case of the later, although I hesitate, I’m inclined to think “no” (which makes inquiry into the former unnecessary).
how in God’s name is someone able to determine someone else’s “true identity”, determine that they are “repressing” it, and then accuse them of hypocrisy for doing so? Again, isn’t it PC to allow people to determine their own identities, sexual or otherwise?
@oops sorry, the bottom four lines are quotes from post 27.
@WAIT! have there been any dirty sanchez jokes, or am i too late?
@..... Sanchez doesn’t have any STDs. You’re tested when you enter the military and are tested subsequently as well. He doesn’t have HIV and you’re an idiot for suggesting that he does.
He is also not in violation of Don’t-ask-don’t tell if he was merely homosexual in the past. As long as the military doesn’t consider it likely that you will commit a homosexual act in the future, you’re in the proverbial pink.
I looked at the “manhunt” profile. As it doesn’t have a face and the age is 32, I see no reason to assume or even postulate that that is Sanchez. It looks like a ripped latino male who lives in New York. I’m sure there are more than 1 or 2 of those.
The right wing has not thrown him under a bus. In fact Horowitz and Malkin have stepped up to defend him already, as well as some lesser-known radio pundits. This is a perfect story for the right-wing b/c it hits all the talking points:
Gay=a choice that can be overcome
liberals=hypocrites for attacking a person simply b/c they used to be gay.
No way he gets thrown under a bus. That’s laughable and is a serious misunderstanding of the right-wing. Also, Max Blumenthal is a raging idiot.
An honest question about perceptions of sexuality: I thought it was an LBGTQ talking point that sexuality isn’t clear-cut and defined–i.e. you’re 100% gay or 100% straight or 50-50. Why is Sanchez being called a hypocrite now for no longer identifying as a homosexual? Isn’t that what the LGBQT people are all about–an open conception of sexuality? Because he participated in homosexual acts in the past, he’s now committed to a homosexual identity?
I do however see why people would call him a hypocrite for cozying up to Coulter after her faggot remark. On the other hand he said he wouldn’t use the word in public like that, but considered it merely a bad joke on her part.
I think it will be interesting to see how the ISO handles this. They already told him he was being exploited by the military because he was a minority, and thus too stupid to make his own decisions. Now since he’s “obviously” “repressing his true identity” I wonder what kind of inflammatory comments they’ll make.
By the way, how in God’s name is someone able to determine someone else’s “true identity”, determine that they are “repressing” it, and then accuse them of hypocrisy for doing so? Again, isn’t it PC to allow people to determine their own identities, sexual or otherwise?
@end of discussion. Snaps to this guy.
@Anonymous word.
@pwned good points, props to 27
@hi there “Because he participated in homosexual acts in the past, he’s now committed to a homosexual identity?”
So is your, er, I mean, Sanchez’ identity ‘straight’?
@LOLz good one!!!111 Becuase I too have a past in gay porn, you totally saw right through me. Check out my cameo in Buttler Studs IV: Oxford Cummas.
But seriously, couldn’t Sanchez’s, (er, I mean my) identity be “straight” even if he (I) particpated in homsexual acts in the past? I mean, some gay people identify as “gay” even though they’ve been married, are they hypocrites?
@David “I think it will be interesting to see how the ISO handles this. They already told him he was being exploited by the military because he was a minority, and thus too stupid to make his own decisions. Now since he’s ‘obviously’ ‘repressing his true identity’ I wonder what kind of inflammatory comments they’ll make.”
… actually, very wrong here, though the rest of your post is mostly on point. Sanchez’ story about the ISO is crap. More, the ISO had a chance to out him a year and a half ago, and didn’t, because we don’t violate people’s privacy or pander to homophobia.
A week and a half after he made his initial false accusations public, a member of the ISO was anonymously mailed a packet with pictures of Sanchez as a gay porn star and a letter describing his past. We have no evidence who sent the packet. It could have been some deluded wannabe-ally, or it could have been a right-winger trying to trap us into giving a boost to Sanchez’ (ridiculous) self-presentation as a victim. Now that the info has become public anyway, we want to let people know this happened. This piece of extreme shadiness is better exposed to the light of day…
@ISO =/= KGB I don’t think they ISO nobley decided not to ‘out’ Sanchez. I don’t think they’d figured out the porno and butt-renting. The ISO isn’t exactly known for its restraint.
@David 57 –
1) If you throw out evidence that contradicts your preconceived notions about the ISO on that basis alone, it’s as meaningless as it is unsurprising that you dislike us. 2)”lack of restraint” and “interest in pandering to homophobia” are different concepts.
3) As I said above, we didn’t track down the info. Someone “helpfully” mailed it to us.
59 –
Cite some of the “offensive racism” in the “anti-military dogma”.
@Anon Then he mailed it himself. He was never high-profile enough to warrant a secret enemy. He was trying to goad ISO into blackmailing him. A typical schizo move.
@ISO Background reading on the events that have led to Matt’s fame:
In particular, check out the linked Spec articles, written in their own words. It’s interesting that as much as ISOers protest that they were maligned, they repeat their offensive racist anti-military dogma in their own opinion articles.
@Repression Of course its impossible for anyone to look into another person’s psyche. Still…when you start adulthood as a homosexual porn-star liberal, then experience an abrupt shift where you reject your previous identity, hide your past and re-define yourself as in opposition to your previous identity…well, I don’t think its unreasonable to speculate that hes attempting to repress or externalize some form of self-hatred. Max Blumenthal of the Huffington Post (who was at CPAC) elaborates on this far better than I can:
“CCC’s are aggressive toward groups they privately identify with, like sexual minorities or independent women, but they are simultaneously submissive to those who might otherwise persecute them. Thus, Coulter assiduously cultivated the approval of James Dobson, an anti-feminist demagogue who advocates “women’s submission;” Sanchez enlisted in the Marines, then joined the right’s campus culture war; and Haggard inveighed against homosexuality from the pulpit. These CCC’s scurried away from freedom for the tight confines of an authoritarian movement. For CCC’s, backlash politics is a crude form of therapy.” -Blumenthal, CCC=Conflicted Conservative in Crisis
As for people’s sexuality… There is no doubt that the categories we traditionally use are probably too rigid to accurately describe people’s varied sexual preferences. That does not necessarily mean people are free to define themselves at will. As gay rights advocates have pointed out time and time again (and been rebuked by the Right for) homosexuality is NOT a lifestyle choice, it is a sexuality that individuals are “born into” so to speak. Its become incredibly clear that to “stop being gay” is impossible. Not because you’re “tainted” or any homophobic bullshit, but because our sexual preferences are ingrained in us and no amount of willpower can change that. Just look at Ted Haggard, Mark Foley, Jeff Gannon or more importantly the tens of thousands of people who have tried “Christian conversion therapy” to turn people into “ex-gays”. You can read the Wikipedia article here: I can sum up the results for you: overwhelming failure and (according to medical experts) potentially harmful psychologically. Thats not to say Sanchez embodies this, I’ve never met him to be honest. People are just pointing out another example of the fact that the Right is not rooted in reality.
Its also insane to say that the people criticizing Sanchez are the homophobic ones. In his interview with JoeMyGod Sanchez defend’s Coulter’s use of the word “faggot” (a slur which has been used to justify physical violence and oppression of homosexuals) and indicates that he uses it in private. But right…its the posters who have psychological issues and are homophobic, not him.
As for his right-wing pals: Michelle Malkin rebuked and essentially indicated that she thought he shouldn’t have received the Kirkpatrick award. Then when it was clear this story could be used against Liberals she shifted her opinion and came out in support of him. True friends indeed. Its impossible for the right-wing to reject Sanchez at this point, doing so would be evidence for the claims of hypocrisy against them. Yet I wonder if we’ll see Sanchez appear at any major events or with any major politicos in the future.
@Psyche-glasses I can see into yours: d o r k
@Well What exactly does ‘dork’ mean? I am somewhat nerdy/studious. I don’t see what about my post or opinions expresses that nor what it has to do with the Matt Sanchez issue. Are you just trying to deflect my criticism with an aside?
@Ad hominem It is merely an ad hominem attack refering to the obnoxious way that you present yourself, dork.
@the answer Actually, dork could mean “penis,” according to
There you have it.
@.... I think you make some good points in your post although I think homosexual identity is culturally determined, simply because there are higher rates of homosexuality in certain societies or class positions. (Were upperclass Greeks somehow more genetically predisoposed to homosexuality, or did something about their cultural environment play a role in it?)
I’d simply say its a bit disturbining to me sometimes that men can have sexual relations with women for years, and then identify as gay, and they’re supposed to be accepted as “gay”. On the other hand, a man who has had homosexual relations, but then later marries and indentifies as “straight” is “repressing his identity”. There seems to be different standards for accepting someone at their word about their identity.
To me, if Sanchez says he’s not gay and isn’t having homosexual relations currently, then he’s not gay. Just like I accept that my uncle (true story) who was married for 15 years and had two kids and then announced he was gay, is gay.
@markeros Um…
then I guess you’re not straight if you aren’t having heterosexual relations currently.
Good point.
@Very few Very few self-identifying straight dudes indulge in occasional naughtiness with men and can continue to call themselves straight. It’s shunned in American society and any straight guy willing to switch-hit usually ends up playing for the other team. IMHE
@suckit Regardless of what comes out of that bitches mouth, (and probably not much since she always swallows) she is one ugly, cock eyed, bow legged sorry excuse for a woman. I’d rather fuck my Mom.
@bias bwog lets commenters rag on this guy (who is a student) but not mark modessit??
@Coulter Lolz rofmlao ann coulter so beautiful beauty and brains, i love you ann lol lolz ann forevah, ann as senior class speaker 08
@Ugh This guy is a greedy hypocrite. Makes me sick to my stomach.
Not many people go into porn/prostitution for the job security and a 401k. You end up doing hard core sex acts for money because you are so emotionally fucked up and greedy for the fast cash. Whether or not you care for porn or think prostitution should be legal or not, its not just a job, it becomes a lifestyle and only the most greedy with a rat like cunning so in denial of the toll it is taking on them survive.
He probably has HIV or in the very least, Hep C.
@probably has HIV? How progressive of you…douchebag
@But The military’s policy (silly as it is) doesn’t bar homosexuals—it’s ‘don’t ask, don’t tell.’ His being in the military isn’t a violation of that.
@"semi-shady" tag umm…. i personally think that a person who has been selling himself to a specific crowd for as long as he has and comes out with something like this, a CAREER in gay porn, as well as other little escapades that are apparently by no means in the past… is a little more than “semi-shady.” JUST a little bit. But that’s just my opinion.
@Because Because Sucio Sanchez is a thirty-six year old marine who is trying to make a name for himself by shitting on a school and its teenage population.
The sex stuff is only relevant because it proves how greedy he is. Woman or man, gay or straight, the only reason anyone would stoop to doing that is because he/she/it is extremely greedy.
He may have turned into a conservative, but his destructive exploitation of people and institutions who have taken him in is really, really fucked up. And why is he doing it? Because he’s a greedy scum-bag.
@really i just think its funny.. ironic… i dont care for his politics… he must be so conflicted… honestly.. i just feel bad for people like that
@Anonymous it bothers me that he turned off the comments section on his personal blog. I was actually in the middle of reading it last night, when he removed the feature. There were hardly any mean spirited comments, in fact most people were supportive of him.
@Anonymous someone left a comment on my blog that mentioned that not all gay porn stars are gay. i’ve also heard that if you’re a guy and you want to get into porn, you usually start at gay porn and work your way up.
can you make a movie called Glory Holes of Fame 3 and not be gay? I don’t know… no?
@Dear Bwog why would you shut off comments for Student Government posts but not for this one with idiots like #7?
@hmmmm when bisexual female porn star Mary Cary ran for Gov. of California as a Republican, nobody really cared.
something like 30% of gays vote Republican – the only closed minded thinking comes from people who call everyone on the right anti-gay. Clearly, that has no weight.
@Ummm No one is saying that just because he is a conservative he is a hypocrite. But when you are privately gay yet in public you support a woman who uses the slur “Faggot”…when you are a gay Marine Corps officer yet you disagree with letting in other gays…yes there is something very hypocritical about that.
@Well I’m guessing he would have ways to get around this label. He’d probably claim that he’s not against gay Marine Corps officers, but that their sexuality should not be a factor in their service (so they should just stay in the closest, like he presumably did).
Even more blatant, there’s no hypocrisy in posing with Coulter. That’s not an endorsement of all her views. The only implicit endorsement would be the cause under which they met (protecting the military or whatever). That wouldn’t constitute an endorsement of her whole body of beliefs.
I’m guessing he might have a value system where protecting the military (as the best way to protect America’s freedoms or the like) is some overriding goal that can let him look past less important values. Of course that’s all conjecture. If you ask me, I think a large part of him is an attention whore.
@well, yeah Mary Carey actually ran as an independent:
“During the 2003 California recall, she was an independent candidate, placing tenth in a field of 135 candidates.” says the web site you link to:
But for argument’s sake, even if she *did* run as a Republican, it’s pretty different for someone who’s openly running as a bisexual porn star in a circus election (alongside Gary Coleman and Larry Flint, no less) and someone who tries to hide a past of gay prostitution and pornography and speaks out on homophobia, only to be exposed later on. I think it’s entirely reasonable for this to raise eyebrows when Mary Carey was never taken seriously at all.
@Don't forget Don’t forget that this fuck is 36. He’s not some 20-year-old strutting around chasing Minutemen off the stage; it’s pathological at this point. And I’m saying this as a GSer and a republican
@joe Being a Marine, being a porn star, being an escort, none of these things are a huge deal when taken alone. Even being a porn star/escort/Marine shouldn’t be an issue. Even being a gay conservative isn’t a big deal.
However… being a deeply closeted “straight” Marine (reservist) with a gay porn/escort past and an active profile on Manhunt while aligning yourself with far-right venemous public figures who malign gays and pathologically lying/distorting accounts in a desperate and blatant attempt to media whore… now that pisses me off.
@YAY! How about we indulge this fucking piece of shit a little more now! Don’t forget how many times he’s stabbed Columbia College in the back… his cowardly civil rights complaint about ISO, his creepy exposes for the post….
This guy is SCUM. By indulging him you do a disservice to yourselves and your school.
Scum. Scum. Scum. That he was a homosexual prostitute (imagine the risk!) only hints at his unbelievable greed.
This guy is a true piece of shit.
@Don't forget Jeane Kirkpatrick, BC ’48
@i like the part about how if he were a liberal former gay porn star, democrats would be clamoring to get him on the ticket with obama. wow.
welcome to the no-spin zone.
@OK2 What about prostitution?
Also, isn’t it a bit deceitful that during the ROTC debate Sanchez supported the militaries policies on homosexuals even though he was in violation of them?
@eh... prostitution should be legal. i support speed limit laws, but break them all the time.
this whole thing just shouldn’t be a big deal.
@ACR spokesman ACR = Advocates for Columbia ROTC.
Yes, Matt Sanchez was an advocate during the ROTC campaign. So was Scott Stewart, an openly gay former Army infantryman who was openly gay while serving in the 1990s. Neither was a DADT advocate.
FYI, the ACR position on DADT can be found here:
It’s the last link under “opinion pieces”, dated 6 May 2005, the day of the senate vote.
Pro-military beliefs do not belong exclusively to the “right” or “left” of the political spectrum. If anything, liberals are over-represented among Columbia ROTC advocates.
@eh... So Matt Sanchez did some gay porn. It’s a legitimate profession.
@WUSSUP Well, over at Joe.My.God they are alleging that despite claiming to now be straight and married, Matt Sanchez was cruising for man-tail as late as 12 days ago. That allegation being based on the idea that this is his profile:
He also hasnt addressed the far more serious concern of whether or not he was a male escort/prostitute as alleged. This webpage (NSFW): seems to indicate that he was an escort working in 4 major US cities for $200-250 a pop.
Oh yeah and its the JEANE Kirkpatrick award, not Gene.