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Posts Tagged with "matt sanchez"
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Dirty Sanchez

We probably should have mentioned something about this earlier, but we plead subconsciously willful ignorance. Let’s make it quick, then: the recent Shattered Glass-lite semi-scandal over at The New Republic heavily involves one Cpl. Matt “Rod Majors” Sanchez, who was used as a source for accusations of fictionalization. Surprised?  You probably know the story already, but here it is again: Allegations from The Weekly […]

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Our man in Anbar

Because Bwog doesn’t do hot, sandy or constantly-in-existential-danger, Iraq didn’t quite make it into our summer plans. Not so for Matt Sanchez, GS,  who has been blogging out of the war-torn country for the past couple of weeks. What the hell’s gotten into the conservative activist, military man, Spec opinion writer, American studies major and […]

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Think your summer plans are exciting? Well porn legend turned Marine corporal turned conservative activist Matt Sanchez has you beat. Eschewing the safety of comparatively calmer destinations (Eastern Chad, for instance?), Sanchez has traveled to a certain far-away quagmire of death squads, roadside bombs and internecine warfare–namely Iraq. Not satisfied with American media coverage of the […]

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The 2006-07 school year has contained multitudes. In fact, it may just be the most eventful year Columbia’s had since… well, the year before. Remember Matthew Fox? The Chung-Diamond “scandal”? “Don’t Be a Pussy”? “Epilogue to Our Crime & Punishment: A Petition“? Bwog certainly does, so step into the Wayback machine – you’re about to […]

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Want extraneous ephemera? We’ve got extraneous ephemera! Bwog missed it while QuickSpecking, since the classic headline “Penn to Teach at Penn” ran under today’s College Briefs in the print edition only. “Sean Penn?” one student was overheard wondering. Not quite, and if seniors here are upset about Matthew Fox speaking on Class Day, we wonder what they’d think […]

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Alright, alright, we got it. So we’ve already heard the news from all over the place, as have many of you guys: Marine Corps reservist and conservative military bias activist Matt Sanchez GS ’07 is former gay porn star Rod Majors, according to Gawker,  here, and here too. However, last night, Sanchez issued a personal […]

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It’s like Columbia Day over on Manhattan’s favorite gossip site. Now we’re elitist for complaining? (oh, and Ivygate‘s got video). Tasti rival moves in! Bwog misses Soupman. We’ve been trying to avoid this one, but since so many of you seem to think it’s newsworthy (seriously, stop e-mailing us about it), Matt Sanchez has been […]

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Lieutenant Colonel Isaiah “Ike” Wilson, a visiting professor at SIPA on loan from West Point, has a more than academic understanding of the Iraq War, having studied it from both an historian’s and a commissioned officer’s perspective. Bwog editor Sara Vogel caught up with Wilson before class to talk about bad planning, doing better, and–of […]

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Here we go again…

Fox news has found another skeleton in Columbia’s closet. Fox’ Hannity and Colmes picked up the year-old story of Matt Sanchez,  G’ 07, the Marine who was (depending on your politics) harassed or picked on by members of the ISO at the 2005 Activities Day Fair. “They dehumanize people to get their agenda across,” Sanchez […]

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