This just in: Bob Saget (not to be confused with Sagat) has been sighted taking a college tour with his daughter.
Bwog is a fan, but not this much of a fan.
This just in: Bob Saget (not to be confused with Sagat) has been sighted taking a college tour with his daughter.
Bwog is a fan, but not this much of a fan.
@s w that is most definitely street fighter one
@oh.. street fighter II… (nostalgic sigh)
@i'm pretty sure it was not bob saget, but my dad and sister. my dad looks a bit like bob saget. they only toured barnard.
@crack now there’s an addiction.
@equal opp. Saget and daughter sighted taking the Barnard tour as well.
@duh thats the first street fighter
@actually it was street fighter II. the first street fighter sucked ala grand theft auto 1 and 2
@Anonymous Don’t blaspheme Grand Thefft Auto 1 and 2, you philistine!
@foo that picture is from street fighter ONE. the only playable characters were Ryu and Ken, I think..
@that was the best video game ever! i cant even remmber what it was called tho? help?
@wait you can’t be serious
@i often confuse sagat and bob saget. thanks for clearing that up bwog.
but seriously, this post made my day as it included two things i cherished in my early days, crappy sitcoms and videos games that involved a whole lot of ass-kicking.
@oh BOB SAGET!!!
@Sprinkles …Future Class Day Speaker?
@Who you rolling with Maaan, I’m rolling with Saget.
@... the olsens, you schmuck.
@jesse which daughter? dj or stephanie?