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Posts Tagged with "celebrities on campus"

Who hasn’t thought about swimming in the penis fountain?

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According to Bynes herself, she’s moving to New York and plans to transfer to either NYU or Columbia. She tweeted yesterday: I’m transferring to NYU or Columbia from FIDM to study psychology, so you’ll see me in New York if you live here but I HATE stalkers! Somehow we can’t see her being a fan […]

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Move-In Monday

For the young freshlings moving in today, it’s the first Monday of the REST OF THEIR LIVES. Here are the highlights. Overheards: “Lots of OLs are getting tipped for moving people in, up to $10 for a family I’ve heard” “Last night 2 RAs were locked on the roof of Carman Hall by a group […]

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If you’re looking for something exciting enough to drag you away from the shame glory shame of last call at Senior Night, head no farther than Lerner, where multiple tipsters have reported sightings of Nicolas Cage. Well, sort of…

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Vinny Vidi Vici

Watching Jersey Shore can make you feel like a sociologist studying a foreign world of super tan “juiced” fist-pumpers. Professor Diane Vaughn’s Mistake, Misconduct and Disaster class got to observe the subject up close when one of the show’s stars, Vinny, stopped by earlier today (better or worse than Natalie Portman?). Unfortunately he didn’t talk about […]

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Two weeks ago, SJP—that is, Sarah Jessica Parker, not the student group—was purportedly prowling the Barnard grounds. Rumors circulated that she had enrolled her small child in Barnard’s daycare program. Thanks to paparazza-in-training Danielle Arje, we can confirm this to be true. And now we’ll leave her alone! And hope for a third celeb derriere sighting.

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First SJP, then Rob Lowe, and now the Gyllenhaals. Multiple tipsters spotted a scruffier than usual Jake, and his ever-chic sis, Maggie, roaming around campus earlier today. Fun fact: Mags graduated CC in ’98, and Jake dropped out a few years later. Come back to us, Jake!              Pretty People […]

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Spotted: Rob Lowe

And the celebrity spottings continue. Multiple tipsters saw Rob Lowe, better known to West Wing fans as Sam Seaborn, roaming around campus yesterday. He was apparently “followed by a really handsome and well dressed teenage boy, with an equally impressive jawline.” Another tipster managed to snap a picture from behind. Rob’s in the pale blue […]

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According to several tipsters, Sarah Jessica Parker was seen outside Milbank this morning among a flock of parents and toddlers. This isn’t the first time she’s been spotted strolling about campus with her little ones. Rumor has it that her children are enrolled in Barnard Toddler Center. Photo via wikimedia.

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On Monday No Labels took over Roone Arledge Auditorium, and Alex Jones was there to check out all of the super-exciting bipartisan action. The event started at the ungodly hour of 8 a.m., and began with an address by the four “founding leaders.”  What followed can only be described as uncomfortable. No Labels commissioned Akon […]

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Paparazzi on Claremont! Nate, Blair and Chuck were talking to each other off-set, just like regular friends do! Update: Leighton Meester spotted from behind the bushes

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Hannah Goldstein watched 2010 graduate and saw Meryl Streep. Delights! How do you make students forget about a change in Class Day location and the threat of cooties? Distract them! The Barnard class of 2010’s new claim to bragging rights seems to have done the trick, and all senior faces were happy faces on this […]

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Bring It On

Columbia Film has snagged another star — Bwog tipster Margaret Herman spotted Kirsten Dunst lounging on one of leather benches outside 511 Dodge.  According to Film Dept TA Chanelle Elaine, Dunst is set to star in a film directed by a Columbia faculty member.  Now that he’s got some competition, maybe James Franco won’t hide quite so conspicuously […]

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Two pieces of good news came in over the official Bwog wire this afternoon.  First, the first Mac Gray trucks have been spotted about campus after the Great Laundry Flex outage of 2009. Flex readers in laundry rooms all over campus have been out since just before the start of the semester, but as of […]

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We know that almost all of us had to overcome something to get to Columbia, but let’s be honest: some had to overcome more than others. As the first example of this, the New York Times presents Carrie Montgomery, a new member of the class of 2013, and one of twelve Times scholars this year. […]

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Certainly feels like “we’re back b—-es” should not be the visible slogan for the revitalized encampment, especially if we want (read more)
Palestinian Students Launch “Revolt For Rafah” Encampment Amidst 2024 Columbia Reunion
June 1, 2024
Certainly feels like “We’re back bitches” is not the slogan we should be using if we want to decenter ourselves (read more)
Palestinian Students Launch “Revolt For Rafah” Encampment Amidst 2024 Columbia Reunion
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How the fuck was this asshole not deported as of Jan 7, 2021. (read more)
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She is an icon, she is a legend, and she IS the moment. Barnard, my life, and all of NYC (read more)
Senior Wisdom: Paulina
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