A tipster snapped a picture of this defenestrated ROLM phone on the sidewalk under Hogan. Modern man’s triumph over technology or further proof that we’re all fucked?
A tipster snapped a picture of this defenestrated ROLM phone on the sidewalk under Hogan. Modern man’s triumph over technology or further proof that we’re all fucked?
@That picture is art. Put is on a (physical) wall for all to see.
@Seriously How can you possibly have a post about ROLM without a link to Chris Beam’s classic “The Decline and Fall of ROLM”?
@agreed I agree with Chris, will you put that link up?
@google you suck at the internet.
@splogs failed again, having learned seemingly no lessons from their first effort
@... and aren’t splogs spam blogs?
@umm bwog has competition, aka splogs.
@... bwog has competition?
uh, no.
who reads splogs?
@amy millan this post is about 162312x better than any ccsc post.
@... this is such a non-event.
bwog is clearly getting lazy in the lack of competition.
@a non-event the best events are non-events
@defenestration is seriously one of my favorite words.
@loving the use of the word defenestrate