While Columbia didn’t even earn the chance to lose to a group of highly skilled farmers in
March Madness, students at John Jay Dining Hall did have exclusive rights to vote in Starch Madness.  The terribly corny pun did not contain any corn (nor did that one), as the Final Four on the bracket seen in John Jay dining hall featured only a group of potato products.

Yes, that’s really a poster asking students to vote for their favorite starch products.  The latest creation of Chef Ray (not to be confused with Chef Rae) failed to follow form with the original March Madness; the brackets are empty (besides the final four) for a reason: there were no other contestants.  According to reporting by Bwog Daily Editor Daniel D’Addario, the finalists (Double stuffed baked potatoes, mini potato pancakes, pierogi with caramelized onion, and roasted red potatoes with sausage) were simply set up next to the desserts, to compete against each other without semifinals.  The double stuffed baked potatoes (dubstufbeepee as the cool kids call ’em) were in the lead as of 6:45, with roasted red and pierogi running last.

Thanks to Stephen Thomas for the tip.