1)  Finding the Columbia search engine less efficient than manually locating wanted pages? Google through all of the columbia.edu pages here.  It works like a dream.

2) Cents and insensitivity:  Moneycontrol India asks whether Indian students may be deterred from studying in the U.S. following the massacre at Virginia Tech.  Columbia’s cited.

3)  The beacon of hope and UN Millenium Villages frontman, Jeff Sachs, may be drinking from a quarter-full glass.  In this BBC lecture, the future looks bleak.

4)  CUAssassins…is over!  The Commissioners write, “The game lasted a whopping 55 days, but congratulations are in order for team C-Unit for coming in first place, team OB GYN Kenobi for coming in second place, and Agent MCPants of the team C-Unit for assassinating 17 of the rest of you.”