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Posts Tagged with "cuassassins"

Bwog is checking out for summer (unless something marvelously big happens that we simply must tell you about) as it is officially June, but first we’d like to give you a round-up of what’s been going on in the CU world these last two weeks.  It has definitely been a memorable semester and we hope you […]

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So it would seem, judging by some of the kill reports on CU Assassin’s website. While some are as descriptive as last year and others blatantly to the point, one thing remains constant as the obvious thought and dedication that was put into each of these ambushes will show: these assassins take their jobs seriously… […]

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Attention assassins— Uma Thurman aspirants and the less ambitious, college student variety—CU Assassins starts today! Happy hunting! Here’s a little inspiration from The Bride herself. (Bwog also stands for bloody wall of gore…viewer discretion advised). Update: Registration for Assassins will indeed still be open during Closing Ceremonies. It’s your last chance!

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CU Assassins

Today marks the commencement of Engineering Week, a 7 day long event featuring a discussion panel, speed networking and …we know you’re skimming right by this to the item of most interest to you non-engineers (and in all likelihood, engineers) signup for CU Assassins starts today! Registration for the ESC’s annual ‘game of stealth and […]

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Hold Your Fire!

Bwog has received word that until midnight tonight, CU Assassins has been suspended. According to tipsters, there was a security hole in the website that allowed other players to gain valuable knowledge about their targets with little information required. We’re assuming ESC is frantically doing engineer-y things to fix this. “The Management” advises players to […]

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Today marks the start of Columbia Engineering Week, and SEAS kids are all excited about their annual seven days in the spotlight. To formally usher in E-Week, ESC is holding Opening Ceremonies tonight from 6pm to 8pm in Roone Arledge Auditorium, where there will be free food and shirts (likely rife with silly engineering puns!) […]

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CU Assassins has finally come to a bloody, ruthless end. “The Commissioners” have informed the participants via email that Team “Teamname” officially won the game with three Agents still alive when Agent Claytoya murdered Agent bearclaw at 1:30pm today. Though the last kill appears to be a clean one, the recent animosity over unclear kills […]

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Those of you following CU Assassins may have noticed that in place of the mocking, playful, and egotistical tones of early kill reports, many killins of the past week have been described with malice and aggression. Water-gun-in-your-face aggression. There are now only two teams remaining in the game – one with two players, and one […]

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When we last checked in with Columbia’s favorite hose, point, ’n’ laugh competition, the kill reports sounded like the best creative writing assignment you never turned in. This week, the killers lay on the literary as we hit notes of tragedy, romance, and Tupac. The following noir nugget wins Most Evocative for bringing together Tracer […]

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Just a few days after the start of the beloved ESC festival of waterguns, over one third of the agents have been officially as dead as Empanada Joe’s, and CUAssassins is starting to get nasty.  Less violent but just as serious as the war in the street is the competition between killers for the best […]

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A new year means a new session of CUAssassins. Assassins reports for those unlucky souls who have been “killed” since the game began on Saturday at midnight are beginning to filter in from the front (aka “everywhere”). Among the lessons learned from the first batch of kill reports: Agent “Cinnamon”  learned “Never say, ‘come in!!!'” […]

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 Image via Just as you’re feeling comfortable with this new semester, you feel a sudden wetness.  Yes, CU Assassins is back, launching with E-Week 2009.  ESC has more information in a blog post thing, awkwardly titled “Oh Snaps.”  Clearly, this is going to be a killer event, as it involves multiple snaps “from behind.”  […]

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CUAssassins, ESC’s finely crafted squirt-gun war, is returning to campus next weekend. Although we don’t have a web link this time, VP Kim Manis wrote in to inform us that registration takes place next Friday and Saturday (February 15th-16th) on the ramps at Lerner. The games begin on Thursday, the 21st. It’s $20 for a […]

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Two months after hundreds of kids set out for their one crack at stealth warfare, one team has emerged alive: C-Unit, composed of MCPants (Max Czapanskiy, SEAS ’09, also with the most kills), Der Meister aus Deutchland (Luis Quinteros, SEAS ‘09), Doublestuf (Oriana Isaacson, C ’09), and PollockandLoad (Alex Rudnicki, SEAS ’10, who, for the […]

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Midday Miscellany

1)  Finding the Columbia search engine less efficient than manually locating wanted pages? Google through all of the pages here.  It works like a dream. 2) Cents and insensitivity:  Moneycontrol India asks whether Indian students may be deterred from studying in the U.S. following the massacre at Virginia Tech.  Columbia’s cited. 3)  The beacon […]

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