Summer Columbians who are hungry, broke and puzzling over how best to commemorate the sacrifices of our men and women in unifor
m are apparently welcome at the Beta house tomorrow.

CORRECTION, 11:33 PM EST: Former University Senatorial candidate Dan Free wrote in to let us know that “Um…thats NOT true. I’m hosting it and its for invitees only. CHANGE IT IMMEDIATELY!” And, in a second e-mail: “Also, make sure to CORRECT the error on Bwog. Thanks.” Duly noted. 

And speaking of sacrifices…regular Columbians puzzling over how best to worship the dread lord Cthulhu can seek out the Science Fiction society as soon as school begins next fall. Bwog apologizes for being a month or so late on this, but we’re nevertheless curious as to how the Coed* Naked** Blood*** Wrestling**** went down. Survivors are invited to share their eyewitness accounts of the event–provided they’ve gotten over the trauma.