Taking the tempera to the walls of McIntosh just wasn’t enough to satisfy a (few) vandal(s). A tipster alerted Bwog to the brightly colored trails currently on the scaffolding at the south side of Butler Library. The tipster speculated students (who else?) could have heaved paint out of the top floor windows.
Bwog is unsure when this happened — we could have missed this for months now — but judging by the poor, now turquoise tree (below) we’d say the marks are pretty fresh.
@colors those colors are pretty. i hope they don’t clean the scaffolding.
@Cam Oh, finals week.
@A gesture This has been a gesture of futili-tree
@Maybe Maybe we should branch out then… too many people think of us as just a bunch of oak dealers
@Umm Treeth? Seriously, you’re really scraping the bottom there.
@lollerskates I’m going to alert Students United for Treeth and Justice! They’ll get to the bottom of this!
@Atree-tion This is turning into a war of atree-tion
@Maybe if the tree had a GREEN CARD it wouldn’t be the subject of so much hatred.
@Did someone actually have sex WITH or ON the tree to make the “Bored at Butler” tag valid?
@wow these comments are tree-mendous.
@the core! a curse on those who painted the tree, much like the curse on the house a-tree-ides
@I I I I I I en-tree-t you, free speech uis what binds our campus. And our shade trees
@i love bwog! but i cant stand all the vi-tree-ol
@the Man Yay for the Lorax/Seuss reference!!!
@Benedict Arnold This tree-son can’t go unpunished. Where is Bollinger?
@Seriously... in addition to furthering the vadalism on campus discussed on the earlier posts comments, this is an example of how students at this fucking campus dont care about the environment.
For somewhat self-proclaimed uber-liberals why dont you act like trees matter? When youre coming up with these “radical” actions to protest the lack of hipster irony in government or the lack of temporary-im-full-of-shit-and-act-like-im-three-and-make-forts-with-sheets-public-spaces, why dont you try and keep old mother nature in the picture as well
as i dont mean paint her and act like shes a part of the art by any means
@Uh-oh Uh-oh, a Naz-tree!
@no seriously you need some psychiatree
@Yeah, I wish he or she would just get up and leaf!
@whoa now sounds like a rabid douchebag…let me check…i’ll grow a culture in my pe-tree dish
@simone er. it was some paint, not a forest fire. go crawl back into your cave of bitterness, GS student.
@Old stumpy How do you know it’s a GSer? Besides the fact it’s retarded.
@We will We will be heard from the Tree-tops to the tingling fibers of our roots… every acorn, every seedling, sapling, sprig or stump- treet us with dignity!
@John L All I am saying is give trees a chance.
@Trees on earth Trees on earth.
@Rar I am offended.
@man that’s a stupid joak.
@let's end this war let’s end this war. i demand a tree-ty.
i entreet you.
@Come on you guys Take this fluff piece seriously and stop making jokes.
Or make your jokes more explicit, so someone can do the obligatory, “Rar, I am offended” comment.
@Okay I don’t think it’s fair that a Monkey Puzzle tree can be planted on campus with only a 20-40-20 fertilizer mix, while an Asian pine needs to maintain a soil pH of at least 6.5 to live.
@really i’m shocc-ed…just shocc-ed
@Tree-had! All your trees is belong to us!
@For shame Christmas is the greatest tragedy of all. The senseless slaughter and desecration of our pine trees. I weep, friends, I weep for you.
@Co-Author The decimation, nay GENOCIDE, of our elm trees has been one of the greatest tragedies of the 2oth century. And still, people deny that it happened. We must build a museum of tolerance–no, a museum of Tree-lerance so that we might never forget.
@Tree Studies I am going to author a study demanding that our Interdisciplinary Tree Center be given the power to hire tenure track professors
@The Lorax I’m a spokesman for the trees.
It’s a well-known fact that the trees have no tongues, and I’ll not have you speaking for them. In fact, I’m asking you sir, at the top of my lungs, to stop making a mockery of the tree situation on campus.
@might be a bias incident. let’s get on the case.