One week from the infamous day, we offer this SNL original. It’s no “Dick in a Box,” but it’s pretty close.

Andy Samberg and Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, together at last.

Meanwhile, tipster Samiha Rahman pointed out that over on Capitol Hill (or rather California’s 52nd congressional district), Republican congressman/dubious quasi-misogynist Duncan Hunter has introduced a bill called the Restore Patriotism to University Campuses Act. Hunter hopes to prohibit federal grants to or contracts with Columbia, and draw more attention to his presidential campaign. Hunter, armed with only a ferocious distaste for logic, took a stance against Bollinger’s invitation of Ahmadinejad. “Through their invitation, Columbia University provided a public, prestigious platform on United States soil from which on September 24, 2007, President Ahmadinejad spoke and defended his wide-ranging support for terrorist activities,” Hunter wrote. Dick in a box, indeed.