Or so we can assume from this ominous and somewhat vague
sign. More mysterious than which plague-carriers the “other vermin” part of this sign could refer to is who the hell (other than Bwog) still uses the word “vermin.” “Varmints” is the preferred nomenclature these days.
@um... That sign has been there since January or February. Way to be on top of things Bwog…
@What is Dan Okin in the building?
@except the only ominous thing about that sign is that it’s been there for at least a year. facilities management obviously got right on that.
@Rudy Giuliani Goddam you all! I warned you of the dangers of ferrets. That’s why I instituted that ban that you just violated!
@and they still let in bruce robbins?
@good one this is my first class with him, so I’m still waiting to see first-hand evidence that he’s as much of a sniveling rodent as others claim him to be
@CML The word “vermin” was totally used in Brian Jacques’ modern masterpiece/roman-fleuve/tour-de-force, “Redwall.”
@hey bwog Your [more] link under About Us in the upper-left is broken.
@Zach vS Thanks. Fixed now.
@GAH I just walked out of this classroom. Whoever took this picture was in my class.
Not that that’s even remotely interesting, relevant…or true.