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Posts Tagged with "vermin"

Barnard Bwogger Dassi Karp covered the bureaucracy at last nights SGA meeting which involved seven candidate speeches and updates on the Share Meals app. At Barnard’s SGA meeting last night, Rep Council was in full polite bureaucracy mode. SGA’s current Rep for Academic Affairs, Shoshana Edelman, is leaving the council to study abroad next semester, and […]

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As Laura Numeroff once wrote, “If you give a mouse a cookie, he’s going to ask for a glass of milk.” We don’t know if this mouse was in search of the cookie, the milk or both, but it sure creeped out our tipster as it scampered along the floor of the Union Theological Seminary […]

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Update 10:13 pm: The signs are still up, but the Lerner desk says it’s okay to go inside, but didn’t know what type of vermin was being killed. It doesn’t reek of chemicals; in fact the air in 212 is more neutral and pleasing than it has ever been. Right now, and for at least […]

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Columbia has long had a penchant for the hazardous. Shopping carts, to your hands.  Just by touching them, you risk diarrhea and worse. Sleep deprivation, to your heart.  Nearly everyone with a college degree will probably have a heart attack 50 years after graduation. Cancer drugs, to your fetuses.  But now, the miraculous techniques of […]

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A Bug’s Life

A Barnard source just confirmed the troubling lice epidemic currently plaguing the 8th floor of Sulzberger hall in the Barnard Quad. Apparently, one first-year had lice and the little bugs quickly migrated into the heads of several other first-year students. Says Steve Tollman, associate director of Res Life at BC: “Recently, there have been several […]

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Word has it that Schapiro 12 has been infested with bed bugs since the start of the school year. Students report that they often wake up with bites all over them and some have even discovered the nasty little creatures in their books. Unfortunately, Housing’s been extremely unresponsive to this issue. There has been an […]

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Or so we can assume from this ominous and somewhat vague  sign. More mysterious than which plague-carriers the “other vermin” part of this sign could refer to is who the hell (other than Bwog) still uses the word “vermin.” “Varmints” is the preferred nomenclature these days.    

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Good-for-nothin’ vermin! Gatherin’ round the campfire with Uncle PresBo New pass/fail policy finally wrangled Administration: the snake in yer boot The Superbowl: bigger tradition than last year’s hoedown  

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Well, friends, it seems that John Jay is infested with much larger, much blacker, much furrier pests than those of yesteryear—those being the famed bedbugs. Bwog recently received several pictures of pestilence countermeasures deployed throughout John Jay and the cafeteria’s back room. Bwog also speaks to its janitors on occasion. Last time, Bwog asked what […]

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Bed bugs run wild at Columbia, and MSNBC is on the case. Money Quote: “Just last week freshmen at New York’s prestigious Columbia University had to leave their rooms because a room nearby was infested with bed bugs. And they’re worried about what other students think.” Columbia students: Finding new reasons to feel insecure since […]

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Barnard is Naaasty!

It looks like the folks at Hewitt Dining Hall haven’t learned their lesson after being cited for health code violations earlier this year. Anna Corke reports: About 1/2 hour ago, Leora Kelman, Sam Cohen, and I sighted a cockroach in Hewitt Dining Hall. It was about 1.5 inches long, probably of the German variety. After […]

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The Bwog never knew that bedbug infestations were treated so seriously. One student’s description, though, “It was horrible,” Bettelheim said. “They would bite me and then I would get huge rashes. It looked like a miniature tumor. I still have scars on my stomach.” makes us think the John Jay kids should get a container […]

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The Best of Bwog

-When Columbians aren’t busy drinking fermented horse milk from Kyrgystan, they’re assassinating people—people like Tao Tan. -The stars aligned, and Larry Summers got axed. He’ll no doubt rap to cope. Those Harvard faculty sure were mean to him. But according to David Horowitz, Columbia’s professors are the naughtiest around. Basically, they’re terrorists and/or communists. -You […]

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Sign on a lamppost at the corner of Broadway and 115th:   Could this be the same Tyrannosaurus Rex that was “found” in our December issue? If so, was he lost…and found again? We have emailed a certain Jason Ruff with questions, and will keep you abreast of any developments.

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Breaking News

Last night some bastards stole the antlers off Destroyer! bus! Unacceptable.

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