At approximately 4:30 AM last night, the students chosen to be in the 114th Annual Varsity Show’s cast were inducted into Columbia’s oldest theatrical tradition in the customary way – by getting hit in the face with pies. Around 70 people total auditioned, as opposed to 85 in ’06. Fewer people auditioning didn’t make the casting process any easier, though; producers Jeff Schwartz and Erin Byrne tell Bwog that “the creative team deliberated last night for almost 9 hours straight.” Without further ado, here’s the cast:

Kieron Cindric, CC ’08
Sarah Dooley, BC ’11
Lauren Glover, BC ’09
Laura Kleinbaum, CC ’08
Tobin Mitnick, CC ’10
Will Snider, CC ’09
Michael Snyder, CC’ ’10
Zach Dyer, CC ’11
Emily Fisch, BC ’11
Allie Paddock, CC ’10
Sophie Ragir, BC ’10
Michael Seaman, SEAS ’10
Jenny Vallancourt, BC ’11
@Vinnie Sarah Dooley is a pretty good singer. Look at her myspace
She works it out…
shows are
and FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 30th (3 & 8 PM)
just 5 dollars more than FREE
(with a CU ID)
7:30 & 11 PM
@Silly The VShow cast in ’05 was amazing with Barbour, Malawer, Shure, and Bodine. I don’t know a lot of these people, but I’m really glad Kleinbaum was cast for this year. She really is terrific and incredibly funny. Even though she had a small part in last year’s Xmas: A Secular Spectacular, I thought Kleinbaum was one of the very best things about the entire production (along with Jesus and Luciana’s drunk girl). I’ll also say that I thought that Xmas was a lot funnier than last year’s VShow. I thought it was a better production acoss the board, but particularly in terms of the writing. I just don’t think VShow has been great since ’05.
@no, no, Jeff Schwartz roofied an 8th grader. But in his defense, the 8th grader roofied him first.
@anti-rjt Rob Trump thinks he’s funny but he’s not.
In addition, I heard on the radio that Jeff Schwartz roofied a 7th grader.
@oh wow!! I am so happy that the “I think I’m funny but I’m not” has returned.
@seniors oftentimes, seniors don’t audition for the v-show. it’s a really big time commitment and therefore they’d prefer to instead just enjoy senior year. when paul wright & jordan barbour were part of the cast in ’05, that was more of an anomaly than anything. in ’06, kate berthold, greta gerwig and ted malawer were all seniors and none auditioned… sadly, the show was weaker without them.
i like the new blood though! hopefully this year will be great.
@This year's show is going to be good because Rob Trump and his zombie army say so. Don’t you know they feed on the blood of new borns? Please, for the children’s sake, LIKE THE VARSITY SHOW!
@what? ’06 was awesome. funnier than their year (not to mention waaaay funnier than last year).
@joy! I love Jenny Vallancourt!
She’s so awesome :)
@Allie Paddock was in a Nelly video. For real.
@info the kcst spring show is As You Like It
@I heard that Sarah Dooley is T.I.’s baby momma.
@Really? Because I heard that Sarah Dooley’s tears hold the cure to the common cold.
@It's true! One time, Sarah Dooley stared at my paper cut and it healed under her gaze.
@Michael Seaman knows no bounds!
@the gates was rad. its even radder that you remembered that character’s full name.
@Laura is an evil robot from the future.
Only you can stop her in her plot for world domination!
@Julian Tambor How could they take Tobin? Didn’t they see The Gates and The Gates 2: Electric Boogaloo?
@yellowboohbah seriously. the fact that he wants to act professionally is funnier than an episode of maury.
@whatever Toby Mitnick is a really good actor. It’s not his fault the gates sucked. If you had ever seen him on stage, you would know that.
@dooleymitnicksnyder where the hell did they come from
@here we go Snyder and Mitnick are in xmas this year.
Snyder and Dooley are in Into the Woods this semester
Snyder was in Vshow chorus last year
@harriet tubman i want lkk in my underground railroad!
@ugh shut up about the god damn underground railroad
@Lauren's fan Forget Laura Kleibaum, Lauren Glover is the hottest part of that cast.
@whuf! catty, catty, catty.
ever wonder where that “small” part of the “small theatre community” that #44 talked about comes from? people don’t like smiles and snide congratulations and backstabbing once you think it’s safe to post it anonymously.
have a good time. go see the v-show, get wasted and go see the midnight kcst show (what is it this year, bwog?), all that good stuff. make a soup of friendship, not anonymous hate-bisque!
@i agree what’s the kcst spring show? do your job, bwog.
@confused also laura kleinbaum is legitimately bad. she is very pretty, but still bad. She just doesn’t totally know what acting is. A lot of other very pretty girls who have lots of talent also auditioned, which is why people are so confused, I think, and why it makes no sense that Laura got cast over them.
Jordy Lievers is pretty and she can act and sing, but is mean. Thats why she was insulted, but why she rocked v show last year.
If v show is as unfunny as it was last year, the writers actually have no talent because there is so damn much material. And they will be loathed because they chose themselves rather than giving any new blood a chance. So there’s that, too.
@wrong Wrong, wrong, wrong. Wrong.
1) Laura is funny.
2) Jordy is nice. One of the most generous people I know, actually. You clearly do not know her very well if you think otherwise.
3) Last year’s was funny.
4) Only one of the writers is the same. And, for the record, there has been 1 carry-over writer every year that we have been here (that I am aware of)
@wrong 1) wrong
2) wrong
3) wrong
4) correct, but irrelevant
@semi-fan AH. I don’t care who they picked, as long as the class of ’07 is dead and GONE. What a shitty bunch of shit. Not a good performer or writer in the bunch.
As far as I’m concerned, the entire Varsity Show slate should be wiped clean and they should make this year a fresh start. For instance, does it have to be a musical?
@hmmm I can’t tell if this person is being genuine or completely joking…since the class of ’07 was so amazingly talent-filled.
@mmmmm Like a delicious talent pie
@cpd nine hours straight? what if someone had to go to the bathroom?
@also A lot of money goes into things that you don’t even think about. Mics, for example, are thousands of dollars. And Mikes (molina, snyder) are even more expensive.
@seriously i agree. caley, hands down, has best the vocal talent of any girl in the senior class. oh well, im sure she’ll do something awesome next semester anyway.
@also yeah. what the fuck were they thinking not casting her? “I want my show to suck?”
@poorer theater group i’ve heard that varsity show spends around 100 grand each year. is that true? does anyone have any idea what most of that money is spent on?
@nope.. nah, they definitely don’t have 100 grand…and the majority of the money is spent on the set.
@poorer theater group is it me or has the set design never been that cool? what’s the actual budget?
@cc08 Set design was pretty cool my first year. Of course, part of it came crashing down during an intermission. I enjoyed last year’s well enough, but the previous two I was here I remember being a lot funnier. They have oodles of material for this one, though, so I hope they spare no one.
@Anonymous Why isn’t Caley Bulinski in the cast? I thought she was a sure thing. She deserved it and they’re crazy for not taking her.
@true dat caley for lyfe.
@well Lievers’ performance last year seemed to prove that if you get wrecked on Bwog you’ll own the Varsity Show, so Kleinbaum better get ready to step it up.
@history repeating I am literally copying and pasting what I wrote in the casting post last year. Slightly less in context, but still holds true.
When you’re in a smaller community (like Columbia), it is an odd mix of public and private. Some people truly are giving theatrical critique…maybe they can grow up to be theatre critics! But the problem is that others DO know the people involved and may have different motives.
Because it is a smaller community people presume to know more than they do about how varsity show casting process works. Of course it is complicated and political, but no less so than real theatre.
Everyone cast certainly deserves to be in it. And true, there are other people that deserve to be in it too…but it’s a very small show. And the smallness/exclusivity sucks, but that’s also what makes it the most impressive show on campus.
All this talk arises simply because varsity show IS a big deal. And, for the sake of theatre, I’m glad it exists so that there’s at least one show on campus that people beyond the small theatre community go see.
@explain to me why it’s a big deal. some kids i never heard of put on a stupid parody show. so what?
@I'd do her... but Laura Kleinbaum is a horrible actress, and she fails to pull you into the storyline. You can always tell that she’s acting, and she’s absolutely awful at it. She’s the weakest link in Fruit Paunch, and she doesn’t deserve it.
P.S. Mike Molina and Becky should have done the V. Show. they are both awesome!!!
@deja vu LK’baum is getting all the same flak that JLievs took last year.
Don’t be hatin’ cuz ur jealous dat these beautiful women will never be yours.
LK’baum is da sexy.
@Sorry Becky, but Laura Kleinbaum’s face is locked in a constant sneer.
@anti-rjt FTRecord, Rob Trump is a shitty hash brown
@hello I am certainly sorry to see Becky go, but the inclusion of lovely Laura has done wonders to cheer me up.
But, to be fair, if the varsity show mentions the hunger strikers or Ahmadinejad, I think I’ll be more likely to vomit than to laugh, no matter how funny the jokes are.
@please do not start this conversation.
someone inevitably gets picked on every year when bwog announces casting.
some people will say mean things, then others say nice things.
let’s just stop it now.
@in any case kleinbaum is pretty hot. gotta have some hotties in the cast.
@Lau ra Kleinblaum looks like a velociraptor. I don’t mean that in a nice way, if that’s possible
@DHI Now I’ve never seen the girl, but if she truly does look like a velociraptor, isn’t it likely that they cast her to play a velociraptor? And wouldn’t that automatically make this the best varsity show ever?
@yay! Congrats to all.
For the record
1- No one from last year chose to audition again this year (too bad, but they probably have other things to do)
2- Laura is amazing. She deserves this.
@... Will Snider = The Best
@FTW F= Fuck T = The W = World
@laura is a babe
@... Kieron makes my heart happy.
@Glad I’m not the only one who thought Kleinbaum was a hack.
@hahahaha michael seaman?
@come on That’s even lower than making fun of someone for their appearance. Bit difficult to choose a name.
@Kleinbaum cannot act. cannot sing. cannot write.
but she sure can socialize.
@umm I have never seen anyone have less talent than Laura Kleinbaum
@nahhh.. you got it all wrong. laura kleinbaum is the shit.
funniest girl i know.
@the varsity show this year better be hilarious, as they have so much beef to work with…ahmadinejad, hunger strike, etc…and we’re not even half way through!
@poop there goes the shot at the april b+w writing a good old fashioned hatchet job on the v-show. there are idols to slay!
@too bad mike m. is hilarious
@damn all-white again, v-show?
@true dat truuuue dat.
@yoho FTW = For The Win, which I agree Mr. Snider is. Congrats to all cast.
Interesting how underclassman-heavy the cast is though…9 first years/sophmores to 4 juniors/seniors? I think the new blood is great, but I hope too many seniors weren’t denied their last chance to be in V-Show over a lot of first years (4!) who will have three more opportunities. Not that I think seniors should automatically be given consideration simply because they’re seniors, but I see nothing wrong with people having to work their way up a bit, paint sets as freshmen, get chorus as sophmores, and lead as juniors/seniors.
@i'm glad jim williams is writing. he’ll make sure we’re entertained.
@ONTDspeak FTW FTW = ~*~For the Win~*~ bbz
@you're an ONTD user too! fascinating
@OMG o hai bb, me too!
@FTW f the what?
@WTF is FTW?
@ok.... FTW is a fucking dumb abbreviation phrase thing.
@yeah! dumb abbreviation FTW
@looks like mostly new blood. this is nice.
@Fan Will Snider FTW. The man is a god. It’s good to see the V Show folks finally got their shit together. It’s just too bad I won’t be here to see him steal every scene in the show, even the ones he’s not in.
@at first i didn’t care about this, but then remembered the mike molina/becky abrams awesomeness of last year. where have they gone?
@well I think it’s just a different approach to casting. Last year, the creative team seemed to pick mostly big campus-character musical-theater personalities. This year’s cast seems more understated, which might be a risk for a show aimed at such a huge audience, or it might pay off. We’ll have to see!
@rjt FTRecord, both Mike and Becky chose not to audition this year.
@eew probably because they both came to their senses and decided to get out while they still could.
@Anonymous they still got one fruit paunch…