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Posts Tagged with "v114"

Next up we catch up with Solomon Hoffman and Nick Parker, CC’14, the creators of Lydia & Tom: A New Musical, which is having its premiere at the New York Fringe Festival this Friday at the 14th Street Y (344 E 14th Street) with a ton of Columbia students and alums [see list at end].  Tickets can […]

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Last night, like many of you, The Blue and White attended the premiere of the 114th Annual Varsity Show. The Blue and White staff reviews. Lions, erections, and bears, oh my! The Bwog is no stranger to hate–for details, see our ill-fated Yorkie Roundtable and that time we reminded you our name is not spelled […]

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        Last night, the cast and crew of the 114th Annual Varsity Show performed two half-hour previews. Deep in the nether regions of the “dive bar” formerly known as the West End, students and parents, as per tradition, filed into seats and booths around in the open space and piano in the back. The preview was narrated by […]

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V-Show Town Hall

We weren’t quite sure what to think when the Varsity Show C-team came calling with a request to ask you, dear readers, to tell them how to write this year’s show. Do they really want to expose themselves to netizen ridicule? What good could come of a thread full of ad hominem attacks? But since […]

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At approximately 4:30 AM last night, the students chosen to be in the 114th Annual Varsity Show’s cast were inducted into Columbia’s oldest theatrical tradition in the customary way – by getting hit in the face with pies. Around 70 people total auditioned, as opposed to 85 in ’06. Fewer people auditioning didn’t make the […]

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Many of last year’s V-Show alums seem to be returning for V114, including Rob Trump, Emily Bickford, and Benjamin Velez. Director: Hannah Kass B’09 Producers: Erin Byrne B’09, Jeff Schwartz C’10 Writers: Rob Trump C’09, [B&W managing editor] James Williams C’08 Composers/Lyricists: Katie Hathaway B’10, Benjamin Velez C’10 Choreographer: Emily Bickford B’09 Art Director: Ben […]

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Certainly feels like “we’re back b—-es” should not be the visible slogan for the revitalized encampment, especially if we want (read more)
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Certainly feels like “We’re back bitches” is not the slogan we should be using if we want to decenter ourselves (read more)
Palestinian Students Launch “Revolt For Rafah” Encampment Amidst 2024 Columbia Reunion
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How the fuck was this asshole not deported as of Jan 7, 2021. (read more)
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