movieIt’s moment you’ve all been waiting for [insert bombastic drum roll] because this spring all of you baby-blue donning lions and lionesses will be able swipe your parents’ money away in a smorgasbord of local vendors.  Because The Powers That Be want to test run the program before they expand to “any/all interested vendors” in Morningside, they asked we the people to vote for the places that we visited most.  And because all of the award shows are  being canceled, Bwog will be giving out the 1st Annual Roaree Awards to the vendors winners of the survey.  Results after the jump.

The 1st Annual Roaree Awards for Morningside Heights Vendors

The Roaree for Groceries and Markets

The Winner:  Westside Market where Columbians voted overwhelmingly for star fruit and paninis, crushing the more convenient MoWi, the Italian specialty store Milano Market and other bodegas.

The Roaree for Rapid Eating Establishments

The Winner: HamDel.  Barely edging out Chipotle, Starbucks and Nussbaum, it seems to be the favorite 24-hour eatery.  Sorry Spicy Special lovers, the 109 St Deli pulled up 18th out of the 20 places polled.

 The Roaree for Less Rapid Eating Establishments

The Winner: Deluxe.  The one word restaurants pulled most of the top spots (Ollie’s, Swish, Tom’s), but the adjective stole the show. 

 The Roaree for Everywhere Else

The Winner: Duane Reade.  Everyone’s favorite, convenient pharmaceutical store earned over 85% of votes and crushed the more specialized Kim’s and Book Culture.  This just in: CU Bookstore voted 7000 times.