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You can watch coverage of their discussion below, including the results from a GS-wide survey about debt and aid—according to GSSC President Niko Cunningham, an average GSer’s debt is three times that of an average CCer. Just another piece of Double Secret Financial Aid News puzzle, which Prezbo is maybe (probably!) solving for us today.

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GS passes resolution calling for more financial aid. But with other aid announcements looming, will Columbia help our older brothers and sisters? Chas Carey helps untangle some finer points of the JuicyCampus brouhaha Hillary gets big help from wins in Texas and Ohio, but no love from Spec cartoonists Help may be forthcoming for those […]

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One of the amazing things about water bottles are the limited expenses that come along with owning one. Some might actually call this the basis of the water bottle’s appeal: It’s a one-time expenditure, and after you buy one for $5, you never have to pay for water again, as water fountains are conveniently free. […]

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Looks like Mary Gordon isn’t the only one to win something this week at Barnard. The 34th Emily Gregory Award (named for the first woman to be given full professorship at Columbia) has been awarded to BC dance professor Lynn Garafola. There will be a big fancy reception–offering celebratory alcohol, provided you were born over […]

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In light of CCSC’s recent crusade against, Bwog wanted to know if it were really possible to ban a website from the campus server. Apparently, it’s not. Resident computer expert and Bwog Web Master Zach van Schouwen explains why in the following bullet-pointed list: It’s expensive. They don’t have an existing filter in place, […]

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A self-described “mega-anonymous” tipster informs Bwog that CC and SEAS will be annnouncing a “huge” change in financial aid, tomorrow or late today. (GS’s change will be of a more minor nature).  Perhaps Andrew Delbanco might have gotten his wish after all?   Bwog will update with details as soon as some materialize. 

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BREAKING: Alidad’s CCSC ticket announced, despite his vow to not go to Bwog first (See Quick Spec Below) Late last night in Lerner, amidst relatively minimal ballyhoo, Alidad Damooei unveiled the running mates soon to be on his ticket for the upcoming CCSC elections: VP Policy – Donna Desilus (CC ’09) VP Communications – Veronica […]

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Home State: Circling her mother, she circles Albany now. State of the MTA: still sucks State Presence: Its not about putting a letter on the Bwog State Debate: Maybe this is why Obama never visits us Real eState: Public toilets = new housing?   

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Midterms Solidarity

One particularly creative procrastinator just sent Bwog a photo essay of his Butler abode. We support you, procrastinator, and may your efforts bring calm (followed by debilitating panic!) to those of your kind.   

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In the great legacy of great Columbia-affiliated writerly-types, New York Governor Eliot Spitzer announced today that former professor Jean Valentine will be the next New York State Poet and Mary Gordon, Barnard McIntosh Professor of English, will be State Author.  Much like an elected congressman, the two will serve two terms and probably sit on […]

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Update:    ESC Constitutional Review is underway! An ardent and opinionated public of record numbers (four people) was just turned away from the meeting as the ESC enforced its closed doors policy. Junior Class Representative Samantha John vocalized an appeal to overlook the closed doors policy for the discussion on internal elections, which she viewed as […]

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2008 is Bwog’s first Presidential election year ever, so we’ve asked resident political junkie Jim Downie to write a weekly column summarizing, analyzing and sometimes mocking the past week in national politics. Political Weekly will run on Mondays, Obama, McCain, Huckabee and Clinton will run all year long.  So why does Bwog feel you need […]

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Tonight seems to be the night, gentle reader, when Alidad Damooei will join George Krebs as CCSC Exec-board candidates.  It is rumored he will be filming a campaign video to introduce himself and his ticket.  He will not, however, be able to release this video until after spring break when the official campaign season begins […]

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Another certain gossipy website was the focus of last night’s CCSC meeting. Satow Room bureau chief Martha Turewicz reports.  From the first few minutes of last night’s CCSC meeting, there some early indications of the intensity to come. Proceedings started a few minutes past 8, and while the next hour was lost to constitutional review, […]

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Call Who Thunder?

Spotted in the elevator in the 620 Barnard dorm:  

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this is the greatest sports blog this site has ever seen. bravo (read more)
If Vanderbilt Can Be In The SEC, So Can Columbia
September 26, 2024
Columbias libraries are absolutely incredible, some od=f the best in the nation. (read more)
Butler’s Hidden Beauties
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The 4th point...people are only in the elevator for a very short time so yeah, making loud noises really is (read more)
An Idiot’s Five-Step Guide To Elevator Etiquette
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Historical note: Back in the previous century, before Wallach was Wallach--when the dorm was named for Robert Livingston, Founding Father (read more)
The Word “Taint” Appears On The Public Safety Website
September 25, 2024

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