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Posts Tagged with "environmentalism"

A revival of the one room schoolhouse at a ski-resort and a potentially toxic building in Brooklyn. Editor’s warning: mentions of death. 

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Should you add self-driving cars to your list of things to look out for while crossing the street? NYC says yes. Editor’s Note: Violence and Death. 

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New laws implemented are impacting professors and pizzerias. Editor’s Warning: Death and Violence. 

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Rejoice fellow treehuggers! The Center for Green Schools at the U.S. Green Building Council is hosting their first annual Green Apple Day of Service. Don’t be a sourpuss and show some Columbia blue green pride by visiting the EcoReps and Greenborough information session at the Greenborough from noon to 1:00PM. More details can be found at the RSVP site. When Flickr […]

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Columbia’s many Environmental clubs have joined together under CU Green Umbrella to bring you No Impact Week, a chance to better understand about the way we affect our environment, and what we can do to reduce our impact. (All while eating plenty of free food!) A full schedule of events is available on the group website, and more detailed descriptions of […]

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Columbia’s Center for Environmental Research and Conservation hosted an eight-hour symposium yesterday on biodiversity. Planet Earth enthusiast Mahima Chablani stopped by one of the afternoon lectures, named “Conserving the World’s Biodiversity: Global and Local Perspectives.” You can read about the full program here. Five working in the environmental sciences spoke in turn on their professional […]

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Some funny business on JJ5–fliers were posted for the non-existent “Columbians For A Cold Earth” with the slogan “Promote, Protect, Preserve, Provide, Procreate, Prokaryote.” The fictitious faction of conservationist folks were planning the “Polar Bear Vigil” when, oh the irony!, it was cancelled by recent snowfall. Keep on keepin’ on JJ5!

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At 6pm, there will be Free Pizza at the screening of “A Civil Action,” a film about groundwater contamination issues that stars John Travolta, William H. Macy, and Robert Duvall. Head to Lerner 569 for environmentalist fun, and/or if you are hopelessly in love with one of the aforementioned actors.  Also at 6:30, Queer Awareness […]

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Cultural clubs are teaming up to think green. They were all yellow at one East Village restaurant. These riders can’t help that the MTA is in the red. Lacrosse hopes to stomp the Crimson. Don’t let the Core make you feel too blue.

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Take away your book stress, housing-related pain, or post-VW panic attack tremors with free food! Choose from two varieties – free food with a side of environmentalism, or free food with a side of 90’s nostalgia. Earth Co. will host its study break at 10pm on the Lerner ramps, and you know what you get […]

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Totes for Tots!

From now until 4pm, you can go to College Walk and EarthCo will exchange 10 plastic bags (bad for the environment) for 1 Westside Market tote bag (good for the environment).  Seems like a good deal for you and the world!  Also, from the EarthCo email: The first 70 people will receive a new tote, […]

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Columbia Beats Yale!

Finally, finally, Columbia has gotten some recognition for its dogged drive towards greenishness: a good-enough-everywhere-but-Columbia grade of A- on the third annual Sustainability Report Card for American colleges. The decision ties us with 14 other schools (including four Ivies, none of which were in New Haven, not that we care about that or anything). And […]

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Young Will Leonard’s report on the 12s’ Met excursion contained a Shocking Revelation, namely that John Jay Dining Hall would no longer be using trays. We called Dining just a few minutes ago, and the helpful woman on the phone confirmed that yes, there are no more trays. Apparently, this is because of “environmental concerns” […]

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Columbia isn’t the only New York school with an activist, environmentalist campus. Well, okay, maybe. NYU Diarist W.M. Akers ponders the not-so-radical nature of environmental activism below 14th street. We can probably pinpoint the moment when environmentalism went mainstream to Al Gore’s Oscar acceptance speech. From then on, it was a steady march to bio-degradeable […]

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This Judd Apatow guy is really going places.  Frank McCourt and David Sedaris are better writers than Miley Cyrus. Indie rocker identifies with Wes Anderson, likes The Life Aquatic. “Green” is an adjective with a variety of meanings and uses in our language!  The Eye encourages you to buy certified organic and fair trade coffee 

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Certainly feels like “we’re back b—-es” should not be the visible slogan for the revitalized encampment, especially if we want (read more)
Palestinian Students Launch “Revolt For Rafah” Encampment Amidst 2024 Columbia Reunion
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Certainly feels like “We’re back bitches” is not the slogan we should be using if we want to decenter ourselves (read more)
Palestinian Students Launch “Revolt For Rafah” Encampment Amidst 2024 Columbia Reunion
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How the fuck was this asshole not deported as of Jan 7, 2021. (read more)
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She is an icon, she is a legend, and she IS the moment. Barnard, my life, and all of NYC (read more)
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