Three reminders of interest to the competitive games-playing community: Bwog’s 1st Annual Mario Kart Tournament will be this Friday at 6:30 PM in Ruggles. All interested parties should email to sign up yourselves or your friends. We’ll provide the food and drink, you bring sportsmanship and good cheer. 

Also, on Saturday in the Wien lounge (6-9 PM) will be the Blue Key-sponsored All-School Spelling Bee. $30 signs up a group of twenty spellers, with all proceeds going to charity. There will be free food and the winner of the Bee will naturally be receiving an iPod touch. Email

And finally, on Saturday, a bit of March Madness comes to Columbia with a basketball throw-down for the ages. George Krebs and the Experience Columbia team has challenged Alidad Damooei and the rest of the Connect Columbians to a 5-on-5 basketball game in the Blue Gym in Dodge at 3 PM. “Be there or be square,” Krebs warned in an email.