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Posts Tagged with "mario kart"

One Bwogger's Mario Kart-related discovery, deep in the bowels of Butler Stacks.

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This morning, senior economics majors had their last chance to sign up for required seminars.  The department necessitates students to be there in person for a 9 am first-come, first-served sign up, and thus the annual IAB slumber party ensued.  Bleary-eyed campers appeared at ungodly hours, trying to figure out how they would survive work […]

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Bwog’s all-star ESC correspondent Sean Zimmerman gives you the skinny on the continued push for video games in student spaces.  Remember last week’s ESC proposal for video games in Lerner? In case you’ve forgotten, council member William Cybriwsky presented a revolutionary solution to Lerner’s oft-lamented boringness—rentable video game systems for use with Lerner’s televisions. Well, […]

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Bwog diligently follows up on the Mario Kart tournament previously announced on its very pages. Friday night was a veritable throw-down/show-down of epically nerdy scale. Eight players, united by Bwog, gathered in a Ruggles suite to flaunt their mastery of a game they’d been playing since elementary school. Mario Kart, perhaps the most beloved game […]

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La Règle du Jeu

Three reminders of interest to the competitive games-playing community: Bwog’s 1st Annual Mario Kart Tournament will be this Friday at 6:30 PM in Ruggles. All interested parties should email to sign up yourselves or your friends. We’ll provide the food and drink, you bring sportsmanship and good cheer.  Also, on Saturday in the Wien […]

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Mad nostalgia for the mid-90s is standard by now, and unsurprisingly many Bwoggers have devolved back to their 9-year-old selves, reveling in the joys of Nintendo 64 and Mario Kart in particular. Though our early Karting experience was largely a tale of character-building losses to nimbler-fingered cousins, we have trained a bit among ourselves and […]

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Bwog doesn’t have the cash to “pimp your room,” and we certainly don’t want to raid it and then date you. So we bring you the semi-weekly Thursday feature, the “Cribs-esque” Room Hopping, continuing with… The five gentlemen who’ve colonized one EC high rise say the weighty name of their living quarters, “The Savage Pony,” […]

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