The ladies (and gentlemen) of Barnard ResLife are looking for input from BC students in the form of a new online survey. The survey comes on the brink of a recent Town Hall meeting, at which several *significant* changes [emphasis theirs] to this spring’s room selection process were proposed. 


Barnard’s put up an enormous PowerPoint presentation to highlight some of these proposed changes. For instance, instead of receiving a joint lottery number, suite mates would be able to register as individuals with individual lottery numbers. To combine as a suite at registration time, a student would have to “pull-in” the other members. Confused? See preppy, well-coiffed Lego figures act out the scenario above for clarification.

If it sounds a little Machiavellian, that’s because it is. Spec‘s article from several days ago about the Town Hall quotes one BC junior as saying that she would be nervous that the suite mate with the best lottery number would bail on all the other group members. (Worse fates have been known to plague friendships during room selection.)

Anyway, check out the PowerPoint for more glimpses into the dynamic friendships of the Lego people and then go take the survey. You have til this Sunday to applaud or complain. ResLife email is below.

Dear students:

Residential Life & Housing will be implementing several *significant* changes to Room Selection this spring as a result of working with the SGA Housing Advisory Board since last spring.

SGA recently conducted a Town Hall meeting about these changes and we wish to generate additional feedback and suggestions through the following online survey (which will be open for response through this Sunday, November 23).


The changes (which should be reviewed before completing the survey) and a summary of the feedback from the Town Hall are available at

We appreciate your feedback about the changes through responding to the survey.

Thanks, Residential Life & Housing