Bwog remembers its very first final exam as a first-year.  As a service to our youngest readers, Bwog staff and friends have compiled summaries of Lit Hum books…in limerick form!  Stay tuned for tomorrow’s very special CC study guide.

homerThe Iliad

Achilles, the raging Achaean,

Agamemnon’s war plans was derailin’.

For the city of Troy,

And for Helen, a ploy

With a horse was the Greek soldiers’ way in.

The Odyssey

After Troy, brave Odysseus wandered,

Adventured and tarried and pondered,

Saw Calypso and Cyclops

‘Pon Ionian outcrops,

Thence home ere Pen’s honor was squandered!

The Histories

Father of history, Herodotus

Wrote of wars, and lies and lust:

“Gyges ruled,

Scythians were cruel,

But remembering human achievement’s a must.”  


Jason was not a good guy.

To Medea he had said goodbye.

So you know what she did?

She killed all her kids

And then she flew off in the sky. 


Of war all Greek women had tired,

So together they met and conspired.

They knew what men wanted,

So their husbands they taunted:

“For sex, complete peace is required.” 


Some hung-over Greeks had doubt

Over what love was all about

Was virtue correct?

Or trading wisdom for sex?

But “Forms!” was Socrates’ cop-out.


Old Testament (Two verses for the price of one!)

When God said “let there be light”

He showcased all of his might.

He plagued Pharaoh with flies,

Made the Red Sea dry

And then gave Job quite a fright

Job and job are capitonymic words

Like Polish and polish, or Herb and herb

And though this doesn’t have much to do

With the story of that unfortunate Jew

It does make the story a little absurd

New Testament

So God was feeling frisky,

decided to be a bit risky.

Got in bed with Mary

of course he did not tarry!

You know the rest of the story.