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Posts Tagged with "The Terrible 12s"

It’s truly a tragedy of convenience that, apart from class and free food, the sole reason we leave our rooms is to find out what’s happening on campus.  And what better way to indulge our laziness than to eliminate the flyers that clutter campus walls and move them online?, the first branch of a […]

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Bwog remembers its very first final exam as a first-year.  As a service to our youngest readers, Bwog staff and friends have compiled summaries of Lit Hum books…in limerick form!  Stay tuned for tomorrow’s very special CC study guide. The Iliad Achilles, the raging Achaean, Agamemnon’s war plans was derailin’. For the city of Troy, […]

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Thanksgiving weekend can be a tumultuous time for first-years. For many, it is the first time home since August, a hectic four-day period where one must see everyone one loved or cared about since pre-school at breakneck speed. This includes much obligatory bonding time with parents and relatives and a lot of “yeah I know […]

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High and Dry

To give students a taste of those delightful pre-plumbing days, the forces of Columbia have decided to withhold running hot water from residents of John Jay this morning.  Daily Editor Eliza Shapiro reports that it’s been gone for at least two hours.  People are wandering around with bath towels looking forlornly for an oasis and support groups […]

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Free Pizza Party

The Center for Student Advising is throwing a free pizza party for the Terrible 12s right now until 2 PM on the Lerner Ramps. We doubt anyone is checking IDs to make sure only 12s are grabbing slices, but if anyone looks at you suspiciously, just mumble something convincing-sounding about your 240,000 point SAT.  

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Mayyyyybe Bloomberg will run for reelection Gamers: beware of exceeding University bandwidth caps, but only sometimes.  In fact, for most of the things you’ll be doing online, you will be fine. Perhaps the University Senate is a place where debate within the University should take place.  As opposed to debating with kitchen knives. Wait a […]

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Hooray, the 2012 Class Council election results for ESC and SGA are here. Meet your new teams: ESC: President: Derrick Fu (SuperFu) Vice-President: Jessica Wu (SuperFu) Representative: Eric Harms (SuperFu) Representative: Judy Kim (FuReal) SGA: President: Charlie Dinkin Vice President: Bo Yun Park Treasurer: Astrika Wilhelm You might recall that “Stephan” did endorse SuperFu.  And […]

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There’s been much commotion surrounding the possibility of a “Stephan” endorsement in the CCSC 2012 Class Council elections — three whole comments’ worth and a Facebook group update, to be exact! Would “Stephan” keep things nonpartisan? Would he suspend the pregaming… lol to go to Washington, and fix the economy? Bwog spoke with “Stephan” who […]

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The list of all the 12s running for 2012 CCSC class council has been announced this morning, as campaigning began about an hour ago. Come, let’s meet them, in alphabetical order! And then stick around later, and we’ll check out the groups’ Facebook offerings. The Candor Party Rolando Rodriguez, President Jasmine Senior, Vice President Alana […]

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Bwog’s Fu Foundation Bureau Chief Sean Zimmermann actually sat through the Night of 1,000 Speeches, or ESC’s 2012 candidate forum. His report, and some admittedly sub-par cameraphone pictures, follow.   Gimmicks and costumes dominated the Engineering Student Council forum today, as each of the first year candidates concluded their campaigns with formal speeches. This year’s […]

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Oh my, how time flies. Our 12s have only been on campus for about three weeks, and it’s already time for them to decide amongst themselves which of their kind should ascend to the glory of CCSC Class Council. Campaigning doesn’t start until September 22nd — so don’t jump the gun 12s, you will be […]

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Bwog enlisted freshman correspondent Peter Thompson to report back with all the exciting details of the semester’s first Lit Hum class. Notebooks and laptops in hand, the thousand or so 2012s filed in to Roone Arledge Auditorium this afternoon for their very first Columbia class. Professor Gareth Williams, chair of Lit Hum, started speaking at […]

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Embracing all things collegiate, Bwog joined the class of 2012 last night in Roone Arledge Auditorium for Class Act: Advance Screening. Day One of NSOP challenged the wily troop of 12s with long lines, dorm room design, and familial farewells followed by awkward introductions and icebreakers.  But no odyssey draws to a close without its […]

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Convocation 2008

It’s Convocation time, and to celebrate, Columbia began by playing some warm-up music, including “525,600 Minutes,” which is a song from the tragedy RENT and is also what we predicted to be the amount of time this thing would start late. Fortunately, we were mistaken, and at 2:35 PM, the OLs marched in with colorful […]

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Bwog spies report that the first batch of West Coast Terrible 12s have arrived on campus, with the others following in the next day or so. Because we were all once first-years — and the 12s need all the help they can get — we’ve put together a list of Surprisingly Useful Last-Minute things to […]

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Certainly feels like “We’re back bitches” is not the slogan we should be using if we want to decenter ourselves (read more)
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