Fu Foundation Bureau Chief Sean Zimmermann attended last night’s abbreviated ESC meeting. 

Blue Elephant – noun, a variation on the common white elephant gift exchange, in which player can either unwrap a gift from a pile, or steal a gift someone else has unwrapped. It also was the main feature in yesterday’s ESC meeting. While eating lemon and raspberry squares (made by the secretary and president, respectively), members exchanged various gifts including: 3 Pink Berry gift cards (2 of which were stolen), Victoria Secret’s Amber Romance perfume and lotion (which was stolen), and a single gift consisting of a plate, two glasses, two condoms, a mix tape, and jasmine and bamboo scented soap (which was not stolen).

During the abbreviated meeting, the GSSC liaison reported that the GSSC had found a new VP Student Life: Alex Katz. The position has been deemed “cursed” by some members of the council. Alex is the third VP Student Life this semester; seven different people have held the position in the last two years.

ESC President Peter Valeiras announced that, after talks with university officials, it is “possible” that students will be able to take off the Wednesday before Thanksgiving. However, any action taken has to go through the University Senate’s Education Committee, which approved 15 years of calendars in 1997. Valeiras also said that ESC is working with CCSC to find ways to extend 2009’s scheduled reading “week”.