A Bwog tipster spotted this brigade of Public Safety officers leading a handcuffed individual out of Low a little after noon. Though the timing coincides with the appearance of Kofi Annan at the World Leaders Forum in the Rotunda, VP of Public Safety James McShane now tells us the incident was unrelated to the goings-on in Low.
What was the arrest related to? Bicycle theft. Two arrests were made after an attempt to steal a bike at 117th Street, one on campus, and one on 108th after what must have been a dramatic chase. Neither of the suspects is Columbia affiliated (stealing a bike would insult its divinity, after all). Both have now been turned over to the NYPD.

@surprised Public safety is actually capable of making a theft-related arrest…I’m shocked
@Beijing Bicycle Hah, little bit o’ Beijing in the Upper West Side, I like it. To all prospective CU bikers, some advice to avoid this vehicular theft wave: Find the crappiest-looking bike you can. That way nobody will want it. Of course, this advice is all fine and good until the bike breaks in two days, like mine did…
@bikes are cool There is no excuse for a bicycle theft happening on campus during the day. How can you not notice a guy with a hammer/prybar/saw/drill going at a lock? Sure, you might not want to confront the guy, but at least flag down Public Safety. (that may have been what happened here, since the guy was caught).
@look its a black man!!
@arresting a white guy. these times a changing…
@actually no the suspect was black.
@Anonymous The Bicycle thief? The end made me cry.
@After all those muggings happening daily, I’m glad they finally caught…the bike-thief.
@Addendum I hear the Hamburglar is next in their cross-hairs.
@what did they look like? what did they look like?