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Posts Tagged with "bicycles"

Is your lack of a bicycle killing your dream of whizzing about the city streets, flattening your fantasy about buying groceries on the 72nd street Trader Joe’s, and placing an involuntary insurrection on your inclination to pop wheelies? The EcoReps want to know if you would be interested in a Columbia Bike Share: While plans are still […]

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Earth Week marches on! There will be free bike tune-ups and heavily discounted gear on the steps until 2. At noon in Schermerhorn 555, there will be a lecture about the bamboo bike project created by Columbia professor John Mutter…and snacks. At 6 PM, “popcorn, cookies, and other snacks” will be served at a screening […]

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Arrest Near Low

A Bwog tipster spotted this brigade of Public Safety officers leading a handcuffed individual out of Low a little after noon. Though the timing coincides with the appearance of Kofi Annan at the World Leaders Forum in the Rotunda, VP of Public Safety James McShane now tells us the incident was unrelated to the goings-on […]

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If you have a bike, and you store it at Barnard, you may wake up on Tuesday to find it suddenly gone. Don’t worry, though, it’s not being sold in another borough. Barnard is conducting a bike toss on Tuesday, getting rid of any bikes that are being improperly stored on campus. Apparently, “misuse of […]

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Carved into the marble outside Butler Library: “The bicycle is a mysterious organism!”  Although COBOP leader applications are due today, as of yet no evidence has come to light implicating the freshman orientation program in this or any other acts of bicycle worship.

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Halloween Mass

As per usual, a hundred or so bikes gathered last night in Union Square for Critical Mass, the solidaristic bike ride that takes over streets in cities all over the country once a month. This time, though, at least half of the riders seemed only vaguely…human. A plunger, a Joker, a husky dog, and all […]

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Gimme a B! Gimme an I! Gimme a CYCLE! Blazer, jacket, messenger bag, collared shirt, sweater vest: the Eye’s guide to sartorial humanity (Wait, what just happened here) Do you know what a cooked chicken breast sounds like? South Africa has redeeming values despite its lack of a Metropolitan Museum of Art! Kate Moss gets […]

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True fact: Sarah Palin doesn’t eat babies. Cars don’t run into you in Riverside Park. The stock market crashed!  Now what? Fight Club was released nine years ago.  Don’t you feel really old?  Like, over nine years old? Columbia wants to demolish and rebuild in every direction!  Watch out Lincoln Center. Columbia students may not […]

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Zahra Khimji and Bwog editor Maryam Parhizkar write about a very long cycling trip with a very noble mission. While in the United States people are constantly striving for ways to save the environment and stop global warming, Iranians too are striving for ways to promote peace environmental awareness.  Somayeh Yousefi and Jafar Edrisi, an […]

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Freshie Bwogger Justin Vlasits arrived in New York City from his automobile-friendly DC suburb only to find that he is sorely lacking in the city’s fastest and cheapest mode of transportation.  So, with helmet and vehicle provided by editors Armin Rosen and Lydia DePillis, respectively, Justin is set loose in the Wien courtyard in a […]

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On Thursday, about 250 cyclists in varying states of physical fitness departed on the annual All Night Bike Ride, led as ever by the indefatigable Kenneth Jackson. Bwog has just recently recovered. We started at the sundial, and departed under cover of darkness with a police escort and even a volunteer ambulance to take care […]

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 Chris Kulawik addresses reporters this morning outside the 116th St. gates. The way he’s holding his hands makes it look like he’s sitting atop a bicycle.*   *Unconfirmed at press time – JNW

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Fairweather Bwogger Sara Vogel reports from the frontlines of Transportation Alternatives’ Tour de Brooklyn bike ride with a gruesome tale of famished athletes after a free lunch. Dyker Heights is far. Two trains and a bus far, and it always seems farther on Sundays. But Adria and I rubbed the sleepies from our eyes Sunday […]

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Certainly feels like “we’re back b—-es” should not be the visible slogan for the revitalized encampment, especially if we want (read more)
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Certainly feels like “We’re back bitches” is not the slogan we should be using if we want to decenter ourselves (read more)
Palestinian Students Launch “Revolt For Rafah” Encampment Amidst 2024 Columbia Reunion
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How the fuck was this asshole not deported as of Jan 7, 2021. (read more)
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She is an icon, she is a legend, and she IS the moment. Barnard, my life, and all of NYC (read more)
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