Bwog continues to collate new and noteworthy tidbits from around campus. Please continue to send in your Boring-worthy tips to
- To enter Nussbaum, you now have to have your ID swiped twice
- Around the corner at Nussbaum, the brand of coffee has been upgraded changed, and is now 15 cents more expensive
- In other coffee news, Oren’s has updated its new and perennially witty tip jar
- Westside has changed the vessels for free spread samples from that oddly tasty alveolated flatbread to tortilla chips
- Butler cafe’s continually amusing fare now includes Vegetable Sandwiches I, II and III
- M2M has raised the price of a grilled cheese sandwich by 75 cents
- What is this, Portland?
- Swiper no swiping! Nussbaum’s new high-tech security
@five oh tré There’s a lot of room for them to ruin it and still make it better than Blue Java et al. Hope they also sell it by the bag.
@stumptown! does anyone know if nussbaum sells stumptown by the bag?
@I don't... …know if Nussbaum does, but Stumptown has a cafe in/around mid-town/flatiron (some have dubbed this new area “Soma” – South of Macy’s, which is deliciously kitschy-hip)on w 29th btwn Broadway and 5th Ave in the Lobby of the ACE Hotel. They definitely have your beans by the bag. Just beware: the baristas all dress like they’re trapped in some sort of Red Hook, steam punk, hipster fantasia.
@YES “Swiper no swiping!”
Love the Dora reference.
@Wait I am so excited about stumptown, but I am worried they will just ruin it. Thoughts? Has anyone had it?
@Reppin' PDX STUMPTOWN. Portland wasuppp
@Anonymous philly cheesesteak maybe?
@Thank God Someone else appreciates the greatness of M2M cheesesteaks. Nothing says cheesesteak like a Hispanic man working in an Asian mini-mart. Those guys know me by name.
@Anonymous Who orders anything else other than a ham/cheeseburger at M2M?
@Spicy Chicken Wrap is delicious
@once ordered the spicy philly cheese steak. Possibly one of the hottest things I have ever eaten, but so damned delicious I couldn’t stop. I had to drink milk, wash my lips and brush my teeth to get my mouth to stop stinging when it was all over, but still one of the best decisions I’ve made at Columbia.
@Courtroom thins Tip jap? Sanwhices?
@Anonymous m2m have?
@good news west side has learned of their mistake alveolated flatbreat has returned!
@spellcheck so is a “tip jap” like a tip jar?
@Yes But only racist.
@wait why do you have to swipe twice?
@well, kind of swipe to open the inner door, and then swipe at the desk.
@Stumptown! Nussbaum’s coffee is definitely upgraded. Stumptown Coffee is sooo good.