At around 2 AM, McBain was evacuated due to a fire that appears to have started in the room directly above Milano (or in Deluxe? Bwog is getting conflicting reports) on the second floor. started when the rain shorted out the Deluxe sign, setting fire to the canopy above it (updated 2:40 a.m.). A McBain resident reported that there was “lots of smoke” in the hallways, and a Nussbaum resident saw a large flame coming out of the window. Fire trucks and police cars filled the corner of 113th and Broadway and put out the fire in less than 10 minutes. As of 2:15 AM, the fire trucks were clearing away. A Watt resident reports that the window is very charred, but no one was hurt. The entire street “smells like a campfire.”
As of 2:20 AM, hundreds of McBain residents are stranded outside in the rain. One RA estimated it would be 1-4 or more hours until they are let back in. Bwog’s thoughts are with you, shafted and soggy sophomores!

Photo by Brian Donahoe
UPDATE, 9:45 AM: The unlucky residents of McBain 211 report that the fire came into their open window while they were sleeping. The firefighters “barged into the room” to make sure nothing was on fire. The residents, Fernando Rios, CC’12, and Spencer Almen, SEAS’12, are being temporarily relocated while their broken door and windows are fixed.
@Riaton your pants came out, when the firemen came in your room and…
@sophomore i pissed my pants when the firefighters came in.
@WOMP I came when the fire men came in
@Anonymous I came when the firefighters pissed in my pants
@Anonymous I was pissed when the firemen came in my pants
@haha you win
@Riaton Ha! unlucky sophomores, I bet they were pissing their pants when the firefighters came in! haha
@most important question so is deluxe still open today??? i don’t know what i would do if that place ever closed!
@huh? you can find much better and cheaper fare than deluxe, i don’t see the draw of that place
@Anonymous YOU’RE SO COOL
@Sleepy head Slept right through the commotion and smoke…on floor two! Pansies!
@Carbon Monoxide Glad to help! Next time you’re feeling sleepy, you know where to find me!
@Anonymous lol
@Anonymous A+.
@Anonymous Wow. That SUCKS. I feel for you guys.
@the misinterpreter wow guys that sucks lots of humongous dick. i want to feel you guys up.
@lol i dont remember this, i guess i slept through it
@ComeBack! They are letting people back in McBain!
@assassins perfect time for some soph hunting
@real gay damn fire i have a paper to write
@live in Nussbaum. Looks like the windows above Deluxe are charred.
@yeah RIGHT whole thing was photoshopped
@i believe the correct term is “shooped.”
@friends come to butler!
@Jim Haha! Only at Columbia would a friendly invitation to a library at 2:30 AM be extended. Love it.
@it's ok the rain will put it out