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@actually nevermind u nailed it
@actually nevermind, you nailed it
@dude stop impersonating malice
@mcbain's not so bad... if you live in a single…
@Duke of Bain I second that.
@awww... how cute! :)
@The International Drew Sounds like she wouldn’t enjoy the Jestrum.
@oh god This is great. P.S. mcbain is awesome sauce. I met so many great people because of mcbain.
@This is awesome.
@did anything happen on tibetan uprising day yesterday?
@doubt it columbia? politically active?
@I'm no statistician..but she probably will
@Anonymous haha. this is what columbia students are really nervous about during midterm week.
@Anonymous roflroflrofl
@roflwaffles!!!!!!!!!!!! lollerskatzzzzzz!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!