Now the stuff of Columbia folklore
Two members of a massive high school tour group check out John Jay Dining Hall:
CU Hopeful 1: “No trays.”
CU Hopeful 2: “What the hell?!”
Class of 2016…you think you know, but you have no idea.
Now the stuff of Columbia folklore
Two members of a massive high school tour group check out John Jay Dining Hall:
CU Hopeful 1: “No trays.”
CU Hopeful 2: “What the hell?!”
Class of 2016…you think you know, but you have no idea.
@senior the concept of a class of 2016 makes me cringe
@Anonymous You think that’s scary? Try thinking about the Class of 2068!
@Anonymous don’t worry, the mayans will nip that one in the (freshman) bud.
@HAHAHAH Thanks for that comment, it actually made me LOL and made my day just a wee bit better.
@roar, lions! only columbia students could turn reality tv trivia into an opportunity to flaunt obscure knowledge
@er... I don’t know what year you are, but this isn’t really “obscure.” You may be mercifully too young for it, but I’m pretty sure at least for most seniors exposed to mtv in the late ’90s early ’00s it should be common knowledge, whether desired or not.
– crabby concern
@I don't get the reference please explain to someone whose knowledge of current mtv shows extends only so far as jersey shore.
@not current it’s from “diary”. the celebrities always said it at the beginning. “you think you know, but you have no idea. this is diary.”