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Posts Tagged with "trays"

Two members of a massive high school tour group check out John Jay Dining Hall: CU Hopeful 1: “No trays.” CU Hopeful 2: “What the hell?!” Class of 2016…you think you know, but you have no idea.

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The real world media reveals that Columbia’s full of denial this week. The Alps don’t exist.  Really? Bananas aren’t blue.  Really! Traylessness isn’t all that bad.  Obviously. The drug war isn’t publicized enough.  Irresponsibly. CU Med school doesn’t get questionable donations?  Honestly!

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Young Will Leonard’s report on the 12s’ Met excursion contained a Shocking Revelation, namely that John Jay Dining Hall would no longer be using trays. We called Dining just a few minutes ago, and the helpful woman on the phone confirmed that yes, there are no more trays. Apparently, this is because of “environmental concerns” […]

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Bwog followed the Class of 2012 to one of NSOP’s headline events, After Hours at the Met. From the overly large museum, freshman correspondent Will Leonard reports. Before they could arrive at the hallowed destination, 2012ers had to deal with the double danger of novice New Yorkers: Metrocard machines, and getting across Manhattan on the […]

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Fun in the Snow

Tipster Mitchell Flax informs Bwog that trays for sledding purposes are being given away outside of John Jay, by the kosher deli. Upperclassmen and anyone with a sense of tradition will understand when we say that it’d be a TRAY-jedy if you didn’t get to TRAY sledding on one of these.

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Otray This!

Bwog has been a little obsessed with trays lately. So obsessed we’ve started traying around with scissors. It is the only artwork we’ve done all year, and it’s only cool if you know about the OBEY Giant and F. Shepard Fairey’s phenomenological campaign of aimless propaganda, now a brilliantly whorish exercise in mass merch production. […]

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  One fine Tuesday morning, your Bwoggers tried to beat Reading Week boredom with a fortray into John Jay cafeteria. They went to take a surtray of the tray puns they had found etched into trays there. After a few short inquiries, they gained early entrance into the cafeteria—John Jay’s director was equally curious as […]

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