Media in category "Kisses in film"

Go on a Benjamin-Button-style trip through relationships, from lifelong soulmates to first loves. (Slate)

Still looking for love on Valentine’s Day? Definitely check out Bwog personals! And if you’re willing to venture beyond Morningside Heights for romance, take a look at this breakdown of NYC’s love life by zip code. (NY Mag)

Fed up with Valentine’s Day and looking to commiserate (anonymously, on the internet)? Here’s a handful of Valentine’s Days gone wrong. (City Room)

Nancy Rosin takes Valentine’s Day seriously. So seriously that she collects Valentines written for other people. That’s right, she has over 10,000, and some of them date back more than 300 years. (ABC)

The Google Doodle is really cute today.

And don’t forget, if you’re still scrambling to find something for that special someone, there are plenty of last minute gifts within a few blocks of your dorm!