In case you don’t follow sports (though we prefer the term “athletically apathetic”), the Super Bowl is tomorrow, and Morningside Heights is rising to the occasion. If you know about any other Super Bowl-themed deals, let us know in the comments!
- Though its artistry was somewhat marred by today’s rain, the Mel’s chalkboard boasts “bottomless beer, wings, nachos, and spinach dip” for $40—$35 if your team wins! Its themed menu also includes Roethlisburgers. Very clever.
- Our beloved Westside Market also features a Super Bowl catering menu. It’s just not the Super Bowl without Maria’s homemade hot entrées.
- In other news, CCSC President Learned Foote broke the handle of the door to the SGO last weekend. He claims that it was already broken and fell off in his hand. Bwog prefers to believe that he is secretly the Hulk.
@hahaha Learned is awesome. He did not break the door handle – it simply crumbled in his presence.
@No Retard That hooligan did break the handle. He should pay for a new one.